Monday, 6 August 2018

Friday, 27 April 2018

Pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Time Token Arends dan CTL serta motivasi terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam

Pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Time Token Arends dan CTL serta motivasi terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa kelas X SMK Negeri Dlanggu, Kecamatan Dlanggu Kabupaten Mojokerto 

Achmad Pandu Setiawan a* 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


One-way learning makes students more passive so students tend to sit sweetly awaiting teacher commands. This condition allows students' ability not to develop optimally. While the learning of many directions with the proportion of teacher activity proportional to the students, teachers tend to direct and demand students to be creative so that students' ability will develop optimally. In this type of learning model, students will feel ashamed if they do not express their ideas. Therefore, they are challenged to prepare themselves by learning more optimally. The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing differences in student learning outcomes taught by democratic learning model Time Token Arends with CTL learning model. 2) Describe the difference in learning outcomes with high motivation and low motivation students. 3) Describe the interaction between the Time Token Arends and CTL democratic learning model and achievement motivation on the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education. This research is a type of experimental research with quantitative approach. The population of students of class X SMK Negeri Dlanggu, District Dlanggu Mojokerto regency, with simple random sampling system. Data collection techniques using mungunakan questionnaire (questionnaire), while the technique of data analysis using validity test, reliability test, and hypothesis test using t test and F test. From the analysis can be concluded as follows: 1) There are differences in student learning outcomes are taught Time Token Arends democratic learning model with CTL learning model 2) There are differences in learning outcomes with high motivation and low motivation students. 3) There is an interaction between the Time Token Arends and CTL democratic learning model and achievement motivation on the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education. From the results of the research as a whole can the authors provide suggestions: 1) For the ranks of organizers of the results of this research should be used as material information and input so that agencies can develop strategic steps in improving and optimizing existing resources by creating an environment that supports quiet learning activities , Comfortable and fun. 2) For universities, the results of this study should be used as a comparison and reference material for further research. 3) For further researchers, to develop similar research may use the reference of this work.

Keywords: Time Token Arends, CTL, Achievement motivation, learning result of Islamic Religious Education

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Pengembangan pembelajaran Problem based instruction materi melafalkan surah Al Kausar dan makhraj yang benar

Pengembangan pembelajaran Problem based instruction materi melafalkan surah Al Kausar dan makhraj yang benar mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SDN Jombatan I Kecamatan Jombang Kabupaten Jombang
Muhammad Andi Isya' a*
aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto
*Koresponden penulis:
Problem based instruction centered on students. Problem based instruction is one of the various learning models that teachers can use in enabling students to learn. The purpose of this research development is: 1) Produce learning products Problem-based instruction material recite surah Al Kausar and makhraj correct subjects Islamic Religious Education at SDN Jombatan I Jombang District Jombang District. Selection and use of learning Problem-based instruction appropriately can streamline and streamline the implementation of learning. For that purpose the learning of Problem based instruction is absolutely necessary. Learning products Islamic Education Learning This problem based instruction has been refined based on analysis of trial data. Based on the steps that have been implemented can be concluded as follows. 1). In general, expert test results are categorized with a qualification of 3.9 but based on the results of questionnaires distributed to students indicates that the author needs to change by increasing the attractiveness of the model. 2) Product development Learning problem is a cooperative learning product that emphasizes the special structure designed to influence the pattern of student interaction and has a goal to improve student academic mastery. 3) The weakness of this product opens opportunities for lazy learners to remain passive in their group and likely to influence their group, so that the group's efforts will fail.
Keywords: Learning of Islamic Education, Problem based instruction

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Perbedaan metode praktik, demontrasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mengenal sifat Allah SWT., yang terkandung dalam al-Asma’ al-Husnaa

Perbedaan metode praktik, demontrasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mengenal sifat Allah SWT., yang terkandung dalam al-Asma’ al-Husnaa mata pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak kelas IV MI Al Karimah Balongsari Kota Mojokerto 

Ahmad Mustofa Jalaluddin Al Mahalli a* 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


The success of learning objectives is determined by many factors such as teachers 'factors in implementing the learning process, because teachers can directly influence, foster and improve students' intelligence and skills. To overcome the above problems and to achieve the goal of education maximally, the role of teachers is very important and expected teachers have a way / model of teaching is good and able to choose the appropriate model of learning and in accordance with the concepts of subjects to be delivered. The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing differences in student learning outcomes taught by methods of practice and demonstration in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak. 2) Describe the low motivation difference with high motivation in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak. 3) Describe the interaction between methods of practice, demonstration and motivation of student learning outcomes in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak. This research is a survey type research with quantitative approach. The population as the object of research is the fourth grade students of MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto City, with simple random sampling system. Data collection technique using mungunakan questionnaire (questionnaire), while the technique of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, with hypothesis test using t test and F test. From the analysis results can be concluded that: 1) There are differences in student learning outcomes are taught by the method of practice and Demonstration in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak fourth grade MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto City. 2) There is no difference in low motivation with high motivation in knowing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak grade IV MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto. 3) There is interaction between method of practice, demontration and motivation toward learning result of Aqidah Akhlak in fourth grade student at MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto City.

Keywords: Practice, Demonstration, Motivation

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan pada KTH Padusan Desa Padusan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan pada KTH Padusan Desa Padusan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto 

Eny Nuraeni a* 

aProgram Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono 

*Koresponden penulis: 


The term "community forest" is a talun / yard field that has grown since the early 20th century and the last developed cultivated land, when people plant their land with a combination of intercropping (food and forest) or agroforestry, initially using wood for fuelwood consumption and carpentry, but later developed into an alternative wood supply for the industry. Forest exploitation is to obtain the economic benefits from the timber. The purpose of this research are: 1) Describe the effect of economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. 2) Explain the effect of the economic benefit of clearing forest land for protection of environmental protection in Paddy Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. From the analysis result can be summarized as follows: 1) From the analysis result, it is known that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farming has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Pacet Mojokerto obtained Fcount 15 641 (significance F = 0,000). So Ft> Ftable (15 641> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.000 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farms has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. then the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Work Hypothesis (H1) is accepted. 2) From the results of the analysis shows that the scientific approach to learning affecting the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village District Pacet Mojokerto regency obtained value Fhitung 2.924 (significance F = 0.009). So F arithmetic> F table (2,924> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.009 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to influence the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency.

Keywords: Economic benefit, Environtmental cost, Environmental protection

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Peran pembelajaran Pancasila di LPTK untuk meningkatkan konsep diri akademik dalam mengantisipasi dehumanisasi pendidikan

Peran pembelajaran Pancasila di LPTK untuk meningkatkan konsep diri akademik dalam mengantisipasi dehumanisasi pendidikan pada semester II Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

Aan Eko Khusni Ubaidillah a* 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


This study aims to find out how the role of learning Pancasila in LPTK to improve academic self-concept in anticipating the dehumanization of education in the second semester of Islamic Higher Education Studies Program Tarbiyah High School Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. This research includes field research, qualitative models, case studies. Determination of purposive sample with snow balling characteristics to obtain variation and extend information so that it can be contrasted with other information. Observation Data Collection Methods, Interviews and Documentation. Data Analysis uses analytical descriptive by doing Triangulation checking the validity of other source data outside the existing data as a comparison to obtain data unity. The result of the research shows: 1) the implementation of Pancasila Learning besides emphasizing the cognitive aspect has also emphasized the affective and psychomotor aspect, it is realized in one of the learning method using problem solving method, beside that the Institution also support with national and religious activities. 2) The role of learning Pancasila directly is still less realized in the real level in the field, but at least the initial capital to be able to have good behavior, of course the next expectation is the existence of good behavior then dehumanisasi education on students can be suppressed, to further maximize the results Learning required student awareness, cooperation between lecturers, lecturers and stakeholders. 3) There are several inhibiting factors, namely institutional policy factors, family factors, student behavior starting at home, other factors are the student's own personal which is difficult to change and improve through formal education media. Factor of learning and education second after parent. And the last factor is the environment, it refers to the role of society.

Keywords: learning, pancasila, de humanization of education

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan pada KTH Padusan Desa Padusan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto 

Eny Nuraeni a* 

aProgram Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono 

*Koresponden penulis: 


The term "community forest" is a talun / yard field that has grown since the early 20th century and the last developed cultivated land, when people plant their land with a combination of intercropping (food and forest) or agroforestry, initially using wood for fuelwood consumption and carpentry, but later developed into an alternative wood supply for the industry. Forest exploitation is to obtain the economic benefits from the timber. The purpose of this research are: 1) Describe the effect of economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. 2) Explain the effect of the economic benefit of clearing forest land for protection of environmental protection in Paddy Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. From the analysis result can be summarized as follows: 1) From the analysis result, it is known that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farming has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Pacet Mojokerto obtained Fcount 15 641 (significance F = 0,000). So Ft> Ftable (15 641> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.000 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farms has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. then the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Work Hypothesis (H1) is accepted. 2) From the results of the analysis shows that the scientific approach to learning affecting the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village District Pacet Mojokerto regency obtained value Fhitung 2.924 (significance F = 0.009). So F arithmetic> F table (2,924> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.009 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to influence the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency.

Keywords: Economic benefit, Environtmental cost, Environmental protection

Monday, 5 March 2018

Implementasi Inovasi Pendidikan Akhlak Pendekatan Saintifik Berbasis Manajemen Qolbu

Implementasi Inovasi Pendidikan Akhlak Pendekatan Saintifik Berbasis Manajemen Qolbu 

Anas Amin Alamsyah 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


The impact of evil is felt in almost every aspect of community life. This happens because the spectrum of evil is so widened that it encompasses various aspects of social life. That is one of the phenomenon of moral crisis that is now befall our nation. In addition, there are still many other moral matters, such as drunkenness, drug abuse, bribery and so forth. Based on the background of the problem and the formulation of the above problems, the author hopes that this paper can be a contribution of thought for education to achieve a better change The purpose of this paper is: To examine how to implement the Innovation of Education Innovation Akhlak Scientific Approach-Based Qolbu Management. The type of research in this research is qualitative that is focusing on library research (library research), where the author uses descriptive research method with more emphasis on the power of data analysis on the sources in the can from books and other scientific papers by relying theories that exist to be interpreted widely and deeply. The results of this study can be mentioned that the way of implementing the Innovation of Educational Innovation Scientific Approach Based on Qolbu Management is: 1) Tazkiyah an Nafs (purification of the soul), 2) Tasyfiyah al Qolb (cleansing of the heart), 3) Tajalliyah ar ruh (enlightenment spirit). Furthermore, in the opinion of Aa Gym which is also similar to Ibn Miskawayih's opinion that there are several steps that must be taken to cleanse the heart, among others: 1) The existence of strong adherence, 2) Have knowledge about understanding or self-knowledge, 3) Evaluate yourself , 4) Learning from others. The conclusion that got is that Implementation of Innovation of Education Akhlak Scientific Approach-Based Management Qolbu is a new idea or method offered by the author for use in implementing moral education. It is expected that this new idea or method, will be able to improve the quality of moral education that is felt increasingly declining today.

Keywords: Innovation, Morals Education, Scientific Approach, Qolbu Management

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Implementasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual berpendekatan Learning Community

Implementasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual berpendekatan Learning Community pada Bidang Studi Fiqh dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa MI Mambaul Hidayah Mengelo Sooko Mojokerto 


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


Education is a conscious and systematic effort not only to humanize human beings but also for human beings to realize their position as khalifatullah fil ardhi, which in turn will increasingly increase itself to be a pious, faithful, knowledgeable and virtuous man. In general the problems formulated in this research is whether Implementation of Contextual Learning with Learning Community approach can improve student's motivation and achievement in FIQH study field? How Implementation of Contextual Learning has a Learning Community approach that can improve students' motivation and achievement in FIQH? Field. This research was conducted in Mojokerto Regency, precisely at MI Mambaul Hidayah Mengelo Sooko Mojokerto. This research is a classroom action research with collaborative type. This research phase follows a model developed by Kemmis and Taggart, which is a spiral cycle that includes planning activities, action execution, observation, and reflection. The data collection techniques used are: (1) observation; (2) measurement of learning result test; and (3) documentation. Data obtained from the action are then analyzed. Qualitative data consisting of observation and documentation are analyzed qualitatively, while data collected in the form of numbers or quantitative data, simply by using descriptive analysis and visual presentation. Based on the results of research that has been implemented can be concluded that the Implementation of Contextual Learning with Learning Community approach can improve student's motivation and achievement in the field of FIQH study. From the data in the field shows that there is an increase in student learning motivation that the initial average value of pre-test of 20 increased to 24 or about 20% in cycle I, in cycle II more increased to 31 or about 55%, and in cycle III the more increased to 45 or about 125%. Level of increase between cycle I with cycle II about 29%, between cycle II with cycle III about 45%, between cycle III with cycle I about 87%. With the increase of students' learning motivation, their learning achievement also increased, whereas the average value of pre test of 6.60 increased to 6.84 or about 4% in cycle I, in cycle II more increased again to 7.75 or about 17 %, and in cycle III it increases to 8.80 or about 35%. The level of improvement between cycle I with cycle II is about 13%, between cycle II with cycle III about 15%, between cycle III with cycle I about 30%.

Keywords: Contextual Learning, Learning Community, FIQH, Motivation, Achievement.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Life inspirations: How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow

Life inspirations: How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow: How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow How To Make Your Own Miracle-Gro A Lot of people, myself included HATE to use commercial fertilizer on t...

Efektifitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab 0 (nol) sks dalam membentuk Bi’ah al-‘Arabiyah

Efektifitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab 0 (nol) sks dalam membentuk Bi’ah al-‘Arabiyah pada Prodi PAI STIT Raden Wijaya 


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


Arabic subjects are very important to develop the ability to communicate. By learning Arabic, students can understand the conversation and reading in Arabic well. Formal Arabic Studies in Madrasahs are the main means for students to master Arabic. This study aims to: 1) Know the efforts of STI Pati Raden Wijaya Prodi in shaping Arabic environment on Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya. 2) Knowing the supporting factors in shaping Arabic environment on PAI STIT Raden Wijaya Prodi. 3) Knowing the obstacles faced by Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya in shaping Arabic environment at Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya. This study uses oriented approach (paradigm) Descriptive-Qualitative, While the type of research is using case studies (Santoso, 2005). In this study the researchers themselves or with the help of others are the main data collectors. This research was conducted at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Kota Mojokerto, on Islamic Religious Education Study Program. In this study, the primary data obtained by researchers is: the results of interviews with the Chairman of the Study Program of Islamic Education and Students Semester I (One). In this study used in analyzing data that has been obtained is by descriptive (non statistical) descriptive that is explorative. The conclusions of this research are: 1) Effort-uaha done Prodi in making effective learning arab language in Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya are: a. He held yaum al-'araby twice a week on Friday. b. It was called shabah al-lughah a week twice before ta'lim afkar al-islamy began. c. The existence of study club on each mabna. 2) Factors that become supporters in forming bi'ah al-'arabiyah are: a. Attachment of mufradat in strategic places. b. Make plaques that are written / spoken in Arabic to make it easier to remember. c. Songs in foreign languages ​​(Arabic and English) to increase students' insight in developing the language. 3) The constraints faced in creating bi'ah al-'arabiyah namely: a. Ability and basic students are different. b. There is no class classification that suits the ability of each student. c. Lack of facilities / facilities and infrastructure. d. Competence musyrif / ah who are not all able to speak. e. The curriculum and materials that are presented have not been neatly arranged. f. The absence of a strict iqob for students who do not communicate arabic language everyday.

Keywords: Arabic Learning, Bi'ah al-'Arabiyah

Friday, 2 March 2018

Task Commitment Program Akselerasi Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA

Task Commitment Program Akselerasi Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto 

Achmad Pandu Setiawan 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


Gifted children have a unique personality. Generally they have a strong interest in the various fields of interest, are very interested in various moral and ethical issues, very autonomous in making decisions and determining actions. The purpose of this research are: a. To know Task Commitment Acceleration Program (Acceleration) in Learning Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto. b. To know the supporting and inhibiting factors of Task Commitment Acceleration Program (Acceleration) in Learning Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto. This study uses oriented approach (paradigm) Descriptive-Qualitative, While the type of research is a case study. In this study the researchers themselves are the main data collectors. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto Jl. Ijen No.9, Wates, Magersari, Mojokerto City, East Java 61317 Telephone: (0321) 321505. In this study, the primary data obtained by the researcher is: the results of interviews with the Head of Acceleration Program, teachers of Islamic Education in acceleration classes SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded as follows: 1) the teaching and learning activities acceleration program in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto can not be separated from around: (a) curriculum, acceleration program for curriculum used in such a way (in differentiation), to be completed within 2 years for high school level. As specified in the academic calendar in particular; (b) Learning methods, methods used in learning Islamic Religious Education in acceleration classes include: Classical Methods, Discussion Methods, Sociodrama Methods, Exemplary Methods, Project Methods, and Field Practice Methods; and (c) evaluation system, evaluation in acceleration program is done continuously and continuously to get information about progress and success of student learning. That is the assessment of the results of daily test (sumatif), assessment of the results of general (formative), and National Final Examination (UAN). Especially for the subject of Islamic Religious Education is not included in the Final Examination National. 2) In general, some supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning in acceleration class of SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto is not much different from the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning in regular class.

Keywords: Task Commitment, Acceleration, Learning, Islamic Religious Education

Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Digital Pondok Pesantren

Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Digital Pondok Pesantren (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto) 


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


Human resources have a central position in realizing development performance. "The era of globalization today and in the future coupled with information technology has influenced the socio-cultural development of Indonesian Muslim society generally, or Islamic education, including pesantren in particular". That the Muslim community can not escape from the process of globalization, especially if you want to survive and triumph in the midst of an increasingly competitive world in the present and future. Based on the background, this study aims to examine the Improvement of the Quality of Digital Human Resources in Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher acts as a data collector and as an active instrument in the effort to collect data in the field. To obtain data related to the theme of research, used some data collection techniques as follows: Observation or observation Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis of the results of this study, conducted based on descriptive analysis, as developed by Mile and Huberman. The analysis consists of three interaction analysis paths that are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the discussion can be concluded that Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto in order to Improve the Quality of Digital Human Resources do things as follows: 1) Development and Mastery Book Yellow / Salaf. 2) Program of development of basic sciences. Many benefits are felt with this program, including: a. The level of readiness of students to receive lessons is better. b. Ability of students to absorb material faster. c. Student creativity and motivation increase. 3) Development of Foreign Language Ability. 4) Development of Pesantren Through the Utilization of Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT). 5) Improvement of the role of Organization of Santri / Santriwati. 6) Increasing Pesantren's Contribution to Community Development

Keywords: Human Resources, Digital, Pondok Pesantren

Pembelajaran Literasi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al Qur’an Hadits

Pembelajaran Literasi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al Qur’an Hadits Siswa di MA Nurul Qur’an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang

Muhammad Budi Arif

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis:


Education is tailored to the real needs that learners want, the potential and culture of the community. Various educational problems that exist in Indonesia require the efforts of the steps of consistent basic refinement and systematic paradigm of education. This enhancement is an education that can develop the potential of students to be brave to face the challenges of life as well as global challenges, without any sense of distress, our education should be able to encourage students to have knowledge, skills, have high confidence that can quickly adapt to the environment. The purpose of this study are: 1) To know the literacy learning in MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang. 2) 2. To Know the ability to read Al Qur'an Hadith students in MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang. 3) 3. To know the implementation of Literacy Learning to Increase the Ability of Reading Al Qur'an Hadits Students in Ma Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang. Population taken is the students MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang Lesson 2016/2017 Year which amounted to 112 people. In this study the authors use Probability Sampling technique. taken as sample is as much as 88 respondents. Hypothesis test A simple linear regression analysis consists of one independent variable (predictor) and one dependent variable (response), with the equation: Y = a + bX. From the results of research that the authors do in the field can the authors conclude as follows: 1) Learning literacy in MA Nurul Qur'an Jogoroto Bend Jombang pretty good. 2) Improved ability to read Al Qur'an Hadith students in MA Nurul Qur'an Jogoroto Bend Jombang pretty good. 3) There is a significant positive effect of learning literacy on improving the ability of reading Al Qur'an Hadith students on MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang.

Keywords: Literasi, Al Qur’an Hadits 

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar melalui fungsi pengawasan dalam manajemen mutu terpadu

Meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar melalui fungsi pengawasan dalam manajemen mutu terpadu di Wilayah Kepengawasan Gugus Sekolah 05 Kecamatan Magersari Kota Mojokerto

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis:

Building the quality of education continues to be done, both by the government and the school as education providers. In an effort to meet the needs and demands of society on the quality of education and simultaneously as a response to the changes of life very quickly in the era of globalization. For that reason researchers need research on improving the quality of teaching and learning process through supervisory function in the integrated quality management in the District Kepengawasan Cluster 05 District Magersari Mojokerto City.
This research uses action research for three cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting each of which consists of four stages: design, activity and observation of reflection and revision. The target of this research is Master of Kepengawasan District School Cluster 05 Magersari Subdistrict Mojokerto City 15 people. The data obtained in the form of the results of supervision assessment of teaching and learning process.
The success of the learning process in cycle III shows that the cycle can be stopped because it has met the target of> 70%. This is evident from the average increase in teacher performance per cycle.
The conclusions of this research are: The quality of teaching and learning process through supervisory function in integrated quality management in Kepengawasan Area School Cluster 05 Magersari Sub-district Mojokerto City has increased, it can be seen from the average of teacher performance improvement from 65,87 percent in cycle I, to 76.67 in Cycle II and increased to 82.86 percent in Cycle III.
Keywords: quality of PBM, supervision, and integrated quality management

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

The 7 habit

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers Who Use Technology
Development of learning model of Constructivist Islamic Education using hiwar qishashi method on Grade VII Students at MTs Mujahidin Sooko Mojokerto 


aIslamic Education Program of Tarbiyah College of Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
* The authors' correspondent: 


Constructivism learning is one of the models of learning process that states in the learning process begins with creating cognitive conflict. The objectives of this research are: To make the learning model of Constructivist Islamic Education using hiwar qishashi in class VII students in MTs Mujahidin Sooko Mojokerto. Result of research Development of learning model of Constructivist Islamic Education using hiwar qishashi method on Student Class VII in MTs Mujahidin Sooko Mojokerto this is as follows. 1) Product revised based on theoretical and empirical test results are: Revision by Student by questionnaire: (1) improve the use of resources in applying the model (2) Change the way of evaluation in the use of the model (3) Improve the model appearance or change the learning strategy. 2) The developed product is attractive for classroom learning in a classical and independent manner. 3) This product product can ease the burden of teacher in teaching. 4) The result of expert validation and trial, Constructivistic Learning Model hiwar qishashi is feasible to be used for the subject of Islamic Religious Education. 5) The product developed can improve students' learning motivation, and motivation is one of the requirements of the implementation of productive learning model.
Keywords: Constructivistic, hiwar qishashi

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Public Service of Education in Mojokerto

Public Service of Education in Mojokerto (explanatory research on the influence of organizational climate and motivation on the performance of employees of Mojokerto District Education Office)

Achmad Padia *

aProgram of Islamic Religious Education Studies Tarbiyah High School Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

* Author Correspondent:


The problem of public service is a problem for the government bureaucracy. Government service is generally reflected by the performance of government bureaucracy, if at present high-cost economy and any form of inefficiency in the government sector, this at least stems from the performance of bureaucracy that is still not good and satisfy the community, in other words, Bureaucratic Work Achievement is not yet Achieved. The purpose of this research are: 1) To know whether Organizational climate and motivation influence simultaneously to employee performance 2) To know which of them influence the most dominant among climate Organizations And the motivation to employee performance. This research uses quantitative description analysis with explanatory research, Number of a subject in population 53 people. Sampling method using saturated sampling. In this study, the authors use multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The technique is explained briefly between variables. 1) Organizational climate and motivation affect simultaneously to the performance of employees. 2) Organizational climate and motivation partially affect the performance of employees. 3) Climate organization has the most dominant influence on employee performance.

Keywords: Organizational climate, motivation, performance

Friday, 23 February 2018


TEKNIK PENGUKURAN SIKAP: Salah satu aspek penting guna memahami sikap manusia adalah masalah pengukuran sikap. Berikut ini beberapa metode pengukuran sikap yang bias...


BENTUK SKALA PENGUKURAN DALAM PENELITIAN: Dilihat dari bentuk instrument dan pernyataan yang dkembangkan dalam instrument, maka kite mengenal berbagai bentuk skala yang dapat digunak...


TEKNIK PENILAIAN BUTIR INSTRUMEN DENGAN PAIR COMPARISON (PERBANDINGAN BERPASANGAN): Pair comparison atau perbandingan berpasangan merupakan salah satu teknik penilaian butir yang bertujuan untuk mengukur sikap kelompok terha...


BENTUK SKALA PENGUKURAN DALAM PENELITIAN: Dilihat dari bentuk instrument dan pernyataan yang dkembangkan dalam instrument, maka kite mengenal berbagai bentuk skala yang dapat digunak...

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Pengembangan model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) pada siswa kelas VIII mata pelajaran al qur-an hadits berbasis sains

Pengembangan model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) pada siswa kelas VIII mata pelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains di MTs Negeri Mojosari Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto

Aan Eko Khusni Ubaidillaha*

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


The selection and use of integrated learning model based on integrated tasks (PBTT) can effectively streamline and streamline the implementation of learning. For this purpose the integrated learning-based learning model (PBTT) is absolutely necessary. The specific purpose of this development is: Produce Learning products al qur'an hadith science-based model of integrated learning-based learning in accordance with the culture and character of students in MTs Mojosari Mojosari District Mojokerto District. Learning Products al qur'an hadith based on integrated task-based science (PBTT) has been refined based on analysis of test data. Based on the steps that have been implemented can be concluded as follows. 1). In general, expert test results are categorized with a qualification of 3.9 but based on the results of questionnaires distributed to students indicates that the author needs to change by increasing the attractiveness of the model. 2) Product development Integrated Task-Based Cooperative Learning (PBTT) is a cooperative learning product that emphasizes on a special structure designed to influence the interaction patterns of students and has a goal to improve student academic mastery. 3) The weakness of this product opens opportunities for lazy learners to remain passive in their group and likely to influence their group, so that the group's efforts will fail.

Keywords: Learning al qur'an hadith science-based, Integrated Task


A. Latar Belakang

Pembelajaran terpadu sebagai suatu konsep merupakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan beberapa mata pelajaran untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar yang bermakna bagi anak. Pembelajaran terpadu diyakini sebagai pendekatan yang berorientasi pada praktek pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak. Pembelajaran terpadu secara efektif akan membantu menciptakan kesempatan yang luas bagi siswa untuk melihat dan membangun konsep-konsep yang saling berkaitan. Sebagai suatu proses, pembelajaran terpadu memiliki beberapa karakteristik, yaitu terpusat pada siswa (student's centered), memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa (direct experience), pemisahan antara mata pelajaran tidak begitu jelas, menyajikan konsep dari berbagai mata pelajaran dalam suatu proses pembelajaran, bersifat luwes, dan hasil pembelajaran dapat berkembang sesuai dengan minat'dao kebutuhan siswa. Pembelajaran terpadu memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan yang dapat dimanfaatkanguru untuk membantu siswa agar dapat berkembang secara optimal (Priatna, 2007).

B. Rumusan Masalah

Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah di atas, maka dapat di kemukakan rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: Diperlukan produk hasil model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) untuk membantu siswa kelas VA dalam menerima materi pelajaran IPA di MTs Negeri Mojosari Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto.

C. Tujuan Model

Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Menghasilkan produk Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu yang sesuai dengan kultur dan karakter siswa di MTs Negeri Mojosari Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto yang meliputi: Rencana Pelaksanaaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)

D. Kajian Pustaka

1. Model Pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu

Willis (1996) menjelaskan bahwa dalam kerangka PBTT, tugas dan teks bergabung untuk memberikan siswa eksposur yang kaya dengan bahasa dan juga kesempatan untuk menggunakan sendiri. Menurut Ellis (2006), tugas merupakan kegiatan yang harus melibatkan bahasa. Nunan (1989 & 2004) dan Skehan (1996), jelas ingin membatasi penggunaan tugas untuk kegiatan di mana makna utama. Willis (1996) telah mendefinisikan tugas jangka sebagai kegiatan di mana bahasa target digunakan oleh pelajar untuk tujuan komunikatif dalam mencapai hasil.

Pembelajaran berbasis tugas telah mendapatkan popularitas di bidang pengajaran bahasa sejak dekade terakhir dari abad ke-20 (Sanchez, 2004). Dalam pendekatan ini, peserta didik berkonsentrasi pada makna daripada bentuk; yaitu, siswa melaksanakan sekelompok tugas komunikatif bukannya melakukan latihan diskrit berbasis form. Siswa dapat mengekspresikan ide-ide mereka sendiri, baik secara lisan atau dalam mode tertulis, tentang topik pelajaran (Willis, 1996).

2. Teori Pengembangan Model dan Desain Pembelajaran

Seels & Richey (1994) mendefinisikan penelitian pengembangan sebagai suatu pengkajian sistematik terhadap pendesainan, pengembangan dan evaluasi program, proses dan produk pembelajaran yang harus memenuhi kriteria validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektifitas. Sedangkan Plomp (1999) menunjukkan nilai tambah selain ketiga kriteria tersebut.

Menurut para ahli pengembangan bahan pembelajaran, seperti Dick and Carey (2005), Tarigan (1990), Degeng (2000) dan Suparman (2001), bahwa pedoman pengembangan bahan pembelajaran adalah terpenuhinya komponen-komponen pembelajaran yang relevan dengan kebutuhan untuk membelajarkan pebelajar. Komponen-komponen bahan pembelajaran tersebut diharapkan mampu untuk memotivasi serta memudahkan pebelajar dalam mempelajari serta memotivasi isi bahan pembelajaran tersebut.

Dari pendapat para ahli pengembangan bahan pembelajaran, pengembang berpendapat bahwa manfaat yang nantinya bisa diambil oleh pengembang dengan merancang, mengujicobakan, serta memproduksi bahan pembelajaran mata pelatihan teknik presentasi dan komunikasi adalah: (1) menarik dan memotivasi si belajar (2) dapat menjadi sumber belajar yang efektif dan efisien tentang mata pelajaran ini (3) dapat menjadi pedoman mengajar atau melatih sehingga pelatihan dapat lebih terarah.

3. Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains

Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam mempelajari alam semesta, benda-benda yang ada dipermukaan bumi, di dalam perut bumi dan di luar angkasa, baik yang dapat diamati indera maupun yang tidak dapat diamati dengan indera. Menurut Fowler (dalam Trianto, 2010), IPA adalah pengetahuan yang sistematis dan dirumuskan yang berhubungan dengan gelaja-gejala kebendaan dan didasarkan terutama atas pengamatan dan dedukasi. Sedangkan Kardi dan Nur (dalam Trianto, 2010) mengatakan bahwa IPA atau ilmu kealaman adalah ilmu tentang dunia zat, baik makhluk hidup maupun benda mati yang diamati. Adapun menurut Wahana (dalam Trianto, 2010), IPA adalah suatu kumpulan pengetahuaan yang tersusun secara sistematis dan dalam penggunaannya secara umum terbatas pada gejala-gejala alam.

Menurut Marsetio Donosepoetro (dalam Trianto, 2010), IPA pada hakikatnya dibangun atas dasar produk ilmiah, proses ilmiah dan juga sikap ilmiah. Sebagai proses ilmiah diartikan semua kegiatan ilmiah untuk menyempurnakan pengetahuan tentang alam maupun untuk menemukan pengetahuan baru. Sebagai produk ilmiah diartikan sebagai hasil proses, berupa pengetahuan yang diajarkan dalam sekolah atau diluar sekolah ataupun bahan bacaan untuk penyebaran atau dissiminasi pengetahuan. Sebagai prosedur ilmiah dimaksudkan bahwa metodologi atau cara yang dipakai untuk mengetahui sesuatu pada umumnya berupa riset yang lazim disebut metode ilmiah (scientific method).

Menurut Piaget (Adey & Harlen, 1986) ada lima faktor yang menunjang perkembangan intelektual yaitu : kedewasaan (maturation), pengalaman fisik (physical experience), penyalaman logika matematika (logical mathematical experience), transmisi sosial (social transmission), dan proses keseimbangan (equilibriun) atau proses pengaturan sendiri (self-regulation).

Untuk pengembangan dan penerapan studi Islam diperlukan etika profetik, yaitu etika yang dikembangkan atas dasar nilai – nilai Ilahiyah (qauliyah) bagi pengembangan dan penerapan ilmu.Ada beberapa butir nilai, hasil deduksi dari Al Qur’an, yang dapat dikembangkan untuk etika profetik pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEK, yaitu: Pertama nilai kerahmatan, yakni ilmu harus dapat ditujukan bagi kepentingan dan kemaslahatan umat manusia dan alam semesta (Q.S. Al Anbiya’:107). Kedua nilai amanah, yakni ilmu itu amanah Allah bagi pemangkunya, dengan demikian pengembangan dan penerapannya dilakukan dengan niat, cara dan tujuan sebagaimana dikehendaki Allah SWT. (Q.S Al Ahzab:72). Ketiga nilai dakwah, yakni pengembangan dan penerapan ilmu merupakan wujud dialog dakwah menyampaikan kebenaran Islam (Q.S Fussilat:33). Keempat, nilai Tabsyir, yakni pemangku ilmu senantiasa memberi harapan baik kepada umat manusia tentang masa depan mereka, termasuk menjaga keseimbangan/kelestarian alam (Q.S. Al Baqarah: 119). Kelima nilai Ibadah, yakni bagi pemangku ilmu, pengembangan dan penerapan ilmu itu merupakan ibadah (Q.S. Adz Dzariyat:56 ; Ali Imran:190-191). Dengan demikian upaya mengintegrasikan nilai – nilai Islam dalam ayat Al Qur’an kedalam pelajaran IPA dapat bernilai yang tersebut diatas apabila dijalankan dengan prinsip nilai.

E. Metode Penelitian

1. Model Pengembangan

Model pengembangan tersebut meliputi tujuh prosedur pengembangan produk dan uji produk, yatiu: (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) identifikasi sumberdaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, (3) identifikasi spesifikasi produk yang diinginkan pengguna, (4) pengembangan produk, (5) uji internal: uji spesifikasi dan uji operasionalisasi produk (6) uji eksternal: uji kemanfaatan produk oleh pengguna, dan (7) produksi.

Proses uji coba penggunaan produk dilakukan menggunakan desain penelitian Dick & Carey. Desain penelitian ini digunakan untuk meneliti satu kelompok dengan diberi satu kali perlakuan. Efek atau pengaruh perlakuan yang ingin diketahui melalui uji coba produk adalah tingkat kemenarikan produk hasil pengembangan sabagai media pembelajaran. Tingkat kemenarikan tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil penilaian yang diberikan setelah uji coba penggunaan produk.

2. Subjek Penelitian

Subyek uji pengembangan model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu pada mata pelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains ini adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Siswa kelas VIII semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 di MTs Negeri Mojosari kecamatan Mojosari kabupaten Mojokerto.

b. Guru kelas VIII di MTs Negeri Mojosari kecamatan Mojosari kabupaten Mojokerto.

c. Ahli Isi

d. Ahli materi

3. Jenis Data dan Instrumentasi

Dalam pengumpulan data dapat digunakan berbagai teknik pengumpulan data atau pengukuran yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik data yang akan dikumpulkan dan responden penelitian.

a. Teknik pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara, dan angket.

b. Pengumpulan data dapat menggunakan instrumen yang sudah ada. Untuk ini perlu kejelasan mengenai karateristik instrumen, mencakup kesahihan (validitas), dan kehandalan (reliabilitas).

F. Analisis Data

1. Analisis Data Validasi Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains Berbasis Tugas Terpadu Oleh Ahli

Analisis dilakukan dengan membandingkan setiap komponen yang merupakan indikator dengan standar skor minimum. Skor batas minimum tersebut adalah 21. Indikator dengan skor 20 ke bawah harus direvisi.

Dilihat hasil analisis kualitas Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa RPP/ Skenario Pembelajaran sudah layak digunakan untuk uji coba sebab skor masing-masing komponen yang merupakan indikator untuk Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) tidak ada yang kurang dari 3,0. Pada peilaian ini tidak ada saran untuk revisi.

Dilihat hasil analisis kualitas Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) sudah layak digunakan untuk uji coba sebab skor masing-masing komponen yang merupakan indikator untuk Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) tidak ada yang kurang dari 3,0. Dan Tidak ada saran dan komentar untuk Lembar Kerja Siswa Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT).

2. Analisis Data Validasi Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains Berbasis Tugas Terpadu oleh Siswa

Hasil pengolahan data angket pembelajaran dengan menggunkan Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) diketahui bahwa rata-rata pilihan siswa adalah 3.56, hal ini dikategorikan Cukup dengan simpang baku 0.32.

G. Verifikasi/Revisi Produk

1. Revisi RPP/ Skenario Pembelajaran oleh Ahli

Berdasarkan hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh Ahli Materi di atas maka tidak ada revisi untuk RPP.

2. Revisi Lembar Kerja Siswa oleh Ahli

Berdasarkan hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh Ahli Materi di atas maka tidak ada revisi untuk LKS.

H. Kesimpulan

1. Dihasilkannya produk berupa seperangkat paket pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains yang diimplementasikan dalam model PBTT. Dalam penyusunan paket pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains model PBTT harus mengindahkan konsep atau prinsip-prinsip dalam teknologi pembelajaran sehingga memungkinkan siswa belajar lebih cepat, efektif, efisien dan termotivasi.

2. Dihasilkannya Produk Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu yang sesuai dengan kultur dan karakter siswa di MTs Negeri Mojosari Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto yang meliputi: Rencana Pelaksanaaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)

3. Spesifikasi produk yang dikembangkan adalah Isi perangkat pembelajaran diorganisasi dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu yaitu peserta didik berkonsentrasi pada makna daripada bentuk yaitu, siswa melaksanakan sekelompok tugas komunikatif bukannya melakukan latihan sendiri. Siswa diharapkan untuk mengekspresikan ide-ide mereka sendiri, baik secara lisan atau dalam mode tertulis, tentang topik pelajaran.

4. Secara umum hasil uji ahli dikategorikan cukup dengan kualifikasi 3.9 akan tetapi berdasarkan hasil angket yang disebarkan kepada siswa mengindikasikan bahwa penulis perlu mengubah dengan meningkatkan daya tarik model..

I. Saran-Saran

Berdasar simpulan dari penelitian ini, dapat disarankan hal-hal sebagai berikut.

1. Produk pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains model PBTT bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran mandiri maupun secara klasikal.

2. Produk Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains model PBTT ini dapat dikembangkan dan di diseminasikan kepada para pendidik khususnya guru Sains sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan, memotivasi siswa dan meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar siswa.

3. Penggunaan produk ini adalah dapat meringankan beban guru saat mengajar, seperti mengulang materi yang belum bisa dipahami, menulis di papan tulis, maupun menjawab pertanyaan siswa tentang tulisan yang belum jelas. Guru yang memiliki kemampuan penguasaan kelas yang lemah juga akan terbantu dengan pemanfaatan media ini.

4. Pengembangan penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan Pembelajaran al qur’an hadits berbasis sains model pembelajaran berbasis tugas terpadu (PBTT) yang lebih menarik.

J. Daftar Pustaka

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Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa topik Alif Lam Qamariyah dan Alim Lam Syamsiyah Melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa topik Alif Lam Qamariyah dan Alim Lam Syamsiyah Melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas VII E Semester I SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto

Sudar Kajina*

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


One of the efforts to improve students' understanding and mastery and learning achievement on "Alif Lam Qamariyah and Alim Lam Syamsiyah" materials by using Problem Based Learning Model Learning. This learning activity is summarized in a class action research activity with the title: Improved student learning outcomes Alif Lam Qamariyah and Alim Lam Syamsiyah Through Learning Model Problem Based Learning in Islamic Religious Education Class VII E Semester I SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto. This research uses action research for three rounds. Each round consists of four stages: design, activity and observation of reflection and revision. The target of this research is the students of Class VII E SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mojokerto. The data obtained in the form of formative test results, observation sheet results of teaching and learning activities. From the analysis it is found that Alif Lam Qamariyah and Alim Lam Syamsiyah Teaching Through Problem Based Learning Learning Model has a positive impact in Improving Student Learning Achievement Efforts, this can be seen from the more solid understanding of the students on the material submitted by the teacher (mastery learning increased from cycle I And II that is Cycle I 87,10% and Cycle II 100% The conclusion of this research are: Alif Lam Qamariyah and Alim Lam Syamsiyah Teaching Through Learning Model Problem Based Learning have positive influence that can increase student learning motivation which is indicated by average Answers students who stated that students are interested and interested in Alif Lam Qamariyah and Alim Lam Syamsiyah Teaching Through Problem Based Learning Model Learning so that they become motivated to learn.

Keywords: Learning outcomes, Problem Based Learning, Islamic Religious Education


Pengembangan model penugasan melalui media sosial untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Arab

Pengembangan model penugasan melalui media sosial untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Arab di MTs Nurul Jadid Kota Mojokerto


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


Facebook as a social networking tool has the potential to become a transformational technique for learning and teaching. It is therefore important that educators understand the academic and social background of their students before reflecting and planning their lessons, the pedagogical techniques they intend to use and the type of assessment that they believe will greatly engage students in the learning process. The purpose of this development are: 1) Developing the model assignment through appropriate social media used for MTs Nurul Jadid Mojokerto City 2) Improving the learning outcomes by using the assignment model through social media in learning Arabic in MTs Nurul Jadid Mojokerto. From the results of this research development can be concluded: 1) The results of the validation of experts and testing, the model assignment through social media is feasible to be used for the subjects of Arabic, because the product developed not revised by the expert but from the results of the questionnaire dissemination students declared that should Revised are: (a) Improving the look of the model or changing its learning strategy, and (b) improving the use of resources in applying the model. 2) Product development model assignment through social media can improve learning result of Arabic Language student at MTs Nurul Jadid City of Mojokerto. From the experimental class experiencing the improvement of learning completeness from Pre Test and Post Test that is each 77.78% rose to 91.67%.
Keywords: Model assignments, social media, learning outcomes


Pengembangan model pembelajaran interaktif examples non examples berbasis Al-Qur’an dengan setting kooperatif pada mata pelajaran IPA

Pengembangan model pembelajaran interaktif examples non examples berbasis Al-Qur’an dengan setting kooperatif pada mata pelajaran IPA kelas V MI Nurul Huda 2 Surodinawan Prajuritkulon Kota Mojokerto

Vialinda Siswatia*

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


Examples of non-examples model based on Al-Qur'an or also commonly called examples and non examples is a model of learning that uses the description of the stories as a medium of learning. The purpose of this research development are: 1) Describe the interactive learning model Examples non examples based on Al-Qur'an which has been applied in MI Nurul Huda 2 Surodinawan Prajuritkulon Mojokerto City 2) Describe the feasibility of interactive learning model product Examples non examples based on Al-Qur'an 'An for madrasah students is implemented with cooperative settings. 3) Produce product Interactive learning model Examples non examples based on Al-Qur'an with cooperative setting in accordance with the culture and character of students in MI Nurul Huda 2 Surodinawan Prajuritkulon Mojokerto 4) To describe students' learning mastery after using the product of interactive learning model Examples non Examples based on Al-Qur'an with cooperative setting. The product of interactive learning model examples non examples based on Al-Qur'an with cooperative setting on science subjects class V MI Nurul Huda 2 Surodinawan Prajuritkulon Mojokerto City has been perfected based on analysis of trial data. Based on the steps that have been implemented can be concluded as follows. 1). The revised product based on both theoretical and empirical test results is an expert revision of the Lesson Planning Plan outlining: conformity with the learning strategy needs to be revised. As for the Student Worksheet (LKS) are: Sufficient time for each step needs to be revised. Revision by Student by Questionnaire: Improve model appearance or change learning strategy 2) The developed product is attractive for classroom learning in a classical and independent manner. 3) This product product can ease the burden of teachers in teaching. 4) The result of expert validation and trial, Interactive learning model examples non examples based on Al-Qur'an with cooperative setting is feasible to be used for subjects of Natural Sciences (IPA). 5) The developed product can improve students' learning motivation, and motivation is one of the requirements of the implementation of productive learning model.
Keywords: Examples non examples based on Al-Qur'an, cooperative setting


Pengembangan model pembelajaran Self-regulated learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

Pengembangan model pembelajaran Self-regulated learning untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Kelas VIII SMP Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang

Achmad Padia*

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


To develop self-regulated learner capable of empowering critical thinking ability, student centered paradigm is more appropriate. The purpose of the development of Self-regulated learning model to improve students' learning achievement in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education are: 1) Describe the learning model of self-regulated learning based learning model that has been applied in SMP Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang 2) Describe the product feasibility Learning model Self-regulated learning to improve student's learning achievement on Islamic Education subject in Class VIII SMP Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang 3) Knowing the use of Self-regulated learning model can improve student's learning achievement on Islamic Education subject in Class VIII SMP Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang. From the results of this development research can be concluded: 1) The developed product is interesting for classroom learning in class and independently. 2) This product product can ease the burden of teacher in teaching. 3) The result of expert validation and pilot, Self-regulated learning model to improve student's learning achievement on Islamic Education subject is suitable for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) subject. 4) The developed product can improve students' learning motivation, and motivation is one of the requirements of the implementation of productive learning model. 5) The developed product can improve the students' learning ability from the three classes of experiments experience the improvement of the completeness of Class VIII SMP Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang the average value of Pre test 73.66 increased on the test post 87.80 while the percentage of pre-test completeness is 75.61% increased to 92.68% . Junior high school students Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang the average value of Pre test 70.49 increased on the test post 87.80 while the percentage of pre-completion test is 68.29% increased to 92.68% and students of Class VIII SMP Darul Ulum Tapen Kudu Jombang known that the average value of Pre test 75.71 increased in the test post 87.22 while the percentage of pre-test completeness was 77.14% increased to 88.89%. So, it can be concluded that this media deserve to disseminate as one of learning strategy.
Keywords: Self-regulated learning, learning achievement, Islamic education


Essentials of Behavioral Science Research

Essentials of Behavioral Science Research.

A Course Pertama di Metodologi Penelitian

Howard Lee

California State University

Didistribusikan oleh WWW.LULU.COM Morrisville, NC 27560

Essentials of Behavioral Science Research: A Course Pertama di Metodologi Penelitian

Copyright  © 2007 oleh Howard Lee. Semua hak dilindungi.

Diterbitkan dan Didistribusikan oleh WWW.LULU.COM 3131 RDU Center Drive, Suite 210 Morrisville, NC 27560

Dicetak di Amerika Serikat

Pengembangan modul berstrategi Inovatif, Menarik, Menantang dan Menyenangkan dengan perpektif Pendidikan Islam untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa

Pengembangan modul berstrategi Inovatif, Menarik, Menantang dan Menyenangkan dengan perpektif Pendidikan Islam untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas XI MAN Mojokerto Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


Development of teaching materials in the form of modules becomes a very urgent need. This is a consequence of the application of competency-based school-based curriculum in schools. Competency approach requires the use of modules in the implementation of learning. Modules can help schools in realizing quality learning. The application of modules can condition learning activities better planned, independent, complete and with clear output. It is expected that in making this module applying PAIKEM learning (Active, Creative, Effective and Joyful Learning). The objectives of this module development are: 1) Generating Modules with Innovative, Attractive, Challenging and Exciting strategies that are feasible to improve student's learning achievement in accordance with the culture and character of students in MAN Mojokerto 2) Improving student achievement of grade XI MAN Mojokerto by using product Modules with innovative, Attractive, Challenging and Exciting strategies. From the results of this research development can be concluded: 1) Modules with innovative, Attractive, Challenging and Exciting strategies developed can also be used as a task that can be given when teachers are unable to attend. 2) Module products with innovative, interesting, challenging and fun strategies can be developed by educators especially math teachers so that learning becomes more fun, motivating students and improving students' learning mastery. Further research development can be done by utilizing modules with innovative, Attractive, Challenging and Exciting strategies that are more interesting.
Keywords: Learning model, module, achievement.

Implementasi model pembelajaran lingkungan adaptif dari teks dan kegiatan pengamatan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak

Implementasi model pembelajaran lingkungan adaptif dari teks dan kegiatan pengamatan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak kelas X di MAN 1 Kota Mojokerto

Hasan Buro a*

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:


Akidah Akhlak can be understood as a conscious effort to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills of learners in order to become a good citizen, that is citizens who understand, realize and be able to exercise their rights and perform their state duties responsibly. The purpose of this research are: 1) Describe Implementation of adaptive environment learning model from text and observation activities can improve students' understanding. 2) Describe the activities of teachers in learning with adaptive environmental learning model of the text and observation activities to improve students' understanding. 3) Describe the activities of students in learning by using adaptive environmental learning model of the text and observation activities to improve students' understanding. 4) Describe the response of students in learning by using adaptive environmental learning model of the text and observation activities to improve students' understanding. This research uses action research for three rounds. Each round consists of four stages: design, activity and observation of reflection and revision. In general Implementation of adaptive environmental learning model of the text and observation activities to improve students' understanding on the subjects Akidah Akhlak class X in MAN 1 City Mojokerto have a positive impact. This can be identified from the increase Percentage of student learning achievement significantly after getting treatment from each cycle that is cycle I is 75.00%, cycle II 97.22%, and 100.00% III cycle. From the analysis can be concluded as follows: 1) Implementation of adaptive environment learning model can increase class enthusiasm, this is known from the development of observation result In the cycle I enthusiasm class 71.9%. Cycle II 90.6%. And cycle III 94.8%. 2) Observer observer's teacher activity can be on Implementation of adaptive environment learning model from text and observation activities to improve students' understanding on subjects Akidah Akhlak class X in MAN 1 City Mojokerto reach a high percentage. 3). The observed student activity reaches the ideal percentage and increases in each cycle. 4) Results of questionnaire processing known that the average choice of students is 3.60, it is categorized Enough with the standard intersection 0.31. After analyzing the results of student questionnaires as direct users there has been a conclusion note that only the use of Adaptive environment learning resources of the text and observation activities need to be expanded.

Keywords: Adaptive environment, text and observation, Morals


Pengaruh pembelajaran bervisi dan berpendekatan Integratif (SETSR) terhadap motivasi dan prestasi belajar kognitif

Pengaruh pembelajaran bervisi dan berpendekatan Integratif (SETSR) terhadap motivasi dan prestasi belajar kognitif di SMP Negeri Mojoanyar dan SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto.

Hariris Nurcahyoa*

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:

Learning with the SETS approach is a learning that allows students to understand the interrelation between science, thought, environment, and society. The purpose of this research are: 1) To know the difference of learning motivation of students of SMP Negeri Mojoanyar and SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto by using vision study and Integrative approach (SETSR). 2) To know the difference of cognitive learning achievement of students of SMP Negeri Mojoanyar and SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto by using vision learning and Integrative approach (SETSR). 3) To know the interaction of vision learning and Integrative approach (SETSR) to the motivation and achievement of cognitive learning at SMP Negeri Mojoanyar and SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto. From result of analysis can be concluded as follows: 1) From result of analysis known that learning of vision and integrative approach (SETSR) influence to motivation in Mojoanyar Mojokerto State Junior High School got Fcount value equal to 616.286 (significance F = 0,000). And in SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto got Fcount value of 655.544 (significance F = 0,000), then Hypothesis Zero (H0) is rejected and Hypothesis Work (H1) accepted. 2) From the results of the analysis is known that learning vision and Integrative approach (SETSR) have an effect on cognitive learning achievement in Mojoanyar Mojokerto State Junior High School obtained Fcount of 6,398 (significance F = 0.013). And in SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto, the value of Fcitung is 8.041 (significance F = 0,007), then Hypothesis Zero (H0) is rejected and Hypothesis Work (H1) accepted, 3) There is interaction of vision learning and Integrative approach (SETSR) to motivation and achievement Cognitive learning at SMP Negeri Mojoanyar and SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto The interaction of vision learning and Integrative approach (SETSR) to motivation in Mojoanyar State Junior High School equal to 0,593 (59,3%), Junior High School 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto equal to 0,217 (21,7%) . While the achievement of cognitive learning at SMP Negeri Mojoanyar equal to 0,869 (86,9%), at SMP Negeri 1 Dlanggu Mojokerto equal to 0,334 (33,4%).
Keywords: SETSR, motivation, cognitive achievement


Pengertian Sikap Ilmiah

Pengertian Sikap Ilmiah: Menurut Gagne dan Briggs, yang dikutip Annie, Catharina Tri (2004 : 25) mengklasifikasikan tujuan pembelajaran ke dalam lima kategori adala...

Pengembangan model pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam konstruktivistik bermetode hiwar qishashi

Pengembangan model pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam konstruktivistik bermetode hiwar qishashi pada Siswa Kelas VII di MTs Mujahidin Sooko Mojokerto

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:

Constructivism learning is one of the models of learning process that states in the learning process begins with creating cognitive conflict. The objectives of this research are: To make the learning model of Constructivist Islamic Education using hiwar qishashi in class VII students in MTs Mujahidin Sooko Mojokerto. Result of research Development of learning model of Constructivist Islamic Education bermetode hiwar qishashi on Student Class VII in MTs Mujahidin Sooko Mojokerto this is as follows. 1) Product revised based on theoretical and empirical test results are: Revision by Student by questionnaire: (1) improve the use of resources in applying the model (2) Change the way of evaluation in the use of the model (3) Improve the model appearance or change the learning strategy. 2) The developed product is attractive for classroom learning in a classical and independent manner. 3) This product product can ease the burden of teacher in teaching. 4) The result of expert validation and trial, Constructivistic Learning Model hiwar qishashi is feasible to be used for the subject of Islamic Religious Education. 5) The product developed can improve students' learning motivation, and motivation is one of the requirements of the implementation of productive learning model.
Keywords: Constructivistic, hiwar qishashi

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits

Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto
Salim Ashar 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

* The authors' correspondent:

The problems in this research are: How is the description of the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. How Efforts made by the teacher in applying authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. What are the factors that support and obstruct efforts to improve the application of authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. This type of research is field research (field research) in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Instrument used in this research is interview. Therefore, the presence of researchers directly as a benchmark for success to understand the cases studied, so that the involvement of researchers directly and actively with informants and / or other data sources here is absolutely necessary. The results of the research indicate that: 1) the application of authentic judgment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith refers to the assessment of attitude competence through observation, self assessment, peer evaluation by learners and journals, knowledge through written test, test, and assignments, skills through performance appraisals, ie assessments that require learners to demonstrate a particular competence using practice tests, projects, and portfolio assessments. 2) Teachers' efforts in applying authentic judgments in Al Qur'an learning Hadith based on field observations indicate that the scoring system used by teachers generally still uses paper and pencil tests of a small percentage of authentic assessments made by teachers in the form of classroom assessments through performance appraisals, portfolios , product, project, written, and self-assessment. 3) Supporting factors to increase the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith: (1) competence possessed by teachers, (2) students' readiness, (3) leadership pattern of headmaster, (4) realization of conducive learning environment, 5) the existence of a laboratory of worship, and (6) the existence of extra-curricular activities. And the inhibiting factors: (1) the lack of socialization of the curriculum of 2013, especially among teachers, given the inadequate timeframe, hastened impression of the national policy on curriculum change from KTSP into the curriculum of 2013, (2) an Hadith is only 3 hours during the week, mainly to measure students' competence achievement in the affective domain, (3) the number of students in one class is big enough, and (4) less optimal participation of parents of learners.
Keywords: authentic judgment, Al Qur'an Hadith

Implementasi penilaian otentik dalam pembelajaran Al Qur’an Hadits

Implementasi penilaian otentik dalam pembelajaran Al Qur’an Hadits di MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto
Salim Ashar

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

*Koresponden penulis:

The problems in this research are: How is the description of the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. How Efforts made by the teacher in applying authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. What are the factors that support and obstruct efforts to improve the application of authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. This type of research is field research (field research) in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Instrument used in this research is interview. Therefore, the presence of researchers directly as a benchmark for success to understand the cases studied, so that the involvement of researchers directly and actively with informants and / or other data sources here is absolutely necessary. The results of the research indicate that: 1) the application of authentic judgment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith refers to the assessment of attitude competence through observation, self assessment, peer evaluation by learners and journals, knowledge through written test, test, and assignments, skills through performance appraisals, ie assessments that require learners to demonstrate a particular competence using practice tests, projects, and portfolio assessments. 2) Teachers' efforts in applying authentic judgments in Al Qur'an learning Hadith based on field observations indicate that the scoring system used by teachers generally still uses paper and pencil tests of a small percentage of authentic assessments made by teachers in the form of classroom assessments through performance appraisals, portfolios , product, project, written, and self-assessment. 3) Supporting factors to increase the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith: (1) competence possessed by teachers, (2) students' readiness, (3) leadership pattern of headmaster, (4) realization of conducive learning environment, 5) the existence of a laboratory of worship, and (6) the existence of extra-curricular activities. And the inhibiting factors: (1) the lack of socialization of the curriculum of 2013, especially among teachers, given the inadequate timeframe, hastened impression of the national policy on curriculum change from KTSP into the curriculum of 2013, (2) an Hadith is only 3 hours during the week, mainly to measure students' competence achievement in the affective domain, (3) the number of students in one class is big enough, and (4) less optimal participation of parents of learners.

Keywords: penilaian otentik, Al Qur’an Hadits