Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits

Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto
Salim Ashar 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto

* The authors' correspondent:

The problems in this research are: How is the description of the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. How Efforts made by the teacher in applying authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. What are the factors that support and obstruct efforts to improve the application of authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto ?. This type of research is field research (field research) in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Instrument used in this research is interview. Therefore, the presence of researchers directly as a benchmark for success to understand the cases studied, so that the involvement of researchers directly and actively with informants and / or other data sources here is absolutely necessary. The results of the research indicate that: 1) the application of authentic judgment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith refers to the assessment of attitude competence through observation, self assessment, peer evaluation by learners and journals, knowledge through written test, test, and assignments, skills through performance appraisals, ie assessments that require learners to demonstrate a particular competence using practice tests, projects, and portfolio assessments. 2) Teachers' efforts in applying authentic judgments in Al Qur'an learning Hadith based on field observations indicate that the scoring system used by teachers generally still uses paper and pencil tests of a small percentage of authentic assessments made by teachers in the form of classroom assessments through performance appraisals, portfolios , product, project, written, and self-assessment. 3) Supporting factors to increase the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith: (1) competence possessed by teachers, (2) students' readiness, (3) leadership pattern of headmaster, (4) realization of conducive learning environment, 5) the existence of a laboratory of worship, and (6) the existence of extra-curricular activities. And the inhibiting factors: (1) the lack of socialization of the curriculum of 2013, especially among teachers, given the inadequate timeframe, hastened impression of the national policy on curriculum change from KTSP into the curriculum of 2013, (2) an Hadith is only 3 hours during the week, mainly to measure students' competence achievement in the affective domain, (3) the number of students in one class is big enough, and (4) less optimal participation of parents of learners.
Keywords: authentic judgment, Al Qur'an Hadith

A. BackgroundEducation is a continuous, continuous and lasting process of life (long live education) in order to create a perfect human adult (ins. Kail), the human being capable of carrying out the duties as khalifah fi al ardl and become a servant of God who serves to him who uphold and uphold the norms of religion in everyday life.[1]According Sihombing and Indardjo menaytakan that the expected education is quality education or quality. The quality of education includes (1) educational products in the form of graduates produced; (2) educational process; and (3) control over existing educational resources. Therefore, various steps need to be pursued in order to improve the quality of education, including the innovation of the design of the assessment system of learning. [2]Education held is a process of cultivation and empowerment of learners who demand a shift of thinking about the paradigm of education, namely from the paradigm of teaching that is ekspository changed into learning paradigm that is inquiry. Or from teacher centered teaching model changed to student centered. In order to achieve optimal results, the learning process should be planned, implemented in a flexible, varied, interactive, inspiring, interesting, and challenging learners to participate actively and provide sufficient space for learners to create and improvise in the learning process.[3] In addition to this, good learning should also be evaluated using a good system as well.
In connection with this phenomenon, the government seeks to change the paradigm of national education through various laws and regulations, especially those relating to national standards of education. In Government Regulation Number 20 of 2006 stated that "Education assessment standard is national standard of education related to mechanism, procedure, and instrument of learning result of student learners.Assessment of education is process of collecting and processing information to determine achievement of learners learn in the form of competence graduates."[4] In the implementation of the assessment standards, teachers are a very important component, because teachers are the spearheads of technical implementers in the assessment process. Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of education with desired learning outcomes should start from improving the skills and skills of teachers or teachers in terms of assessment of learning. One of the skills and skills that must be owned is how to design and implement an assessment strategy in accordance with the goals or competencies to be achieved learners.
as Santyasa argues as follows: The scoring system essentially arises from the paradigm shift of learning and is the result of reflection on the existence of the old paradigm that undergoes anomaly to a new paradigm that is hypothesized to be able to solve the problem. Paradigm is allegedly less able to facilitate learners to be ready to plunge in the community. [5]While the paradigm of contemporary learning that is considered the result of new ideas is; (1) the role of teachers more as facilitators, counselors, consultants, and friends learn; (2) flexible face-to-face schedules, open as needed; (3) learning directed by the students themselves; (4) problem-based learning, projects, the real world, and concrete actions; (5) design and investigation; (6) creations and investigations; (7) collaboration; (8) community focus; (9) computer as a tool; (10) dynamic media presentations; and (11) a comprehensive performance appraisal. Learning paradigm is believed to be able to facilitate learners to develop life skills to be ready in the community. [6]MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is one of the student printing colleges to be a reliable person in which teachers have been trying to develop innovative models of learning and innovative models, including authentic assessment.From the above facts, it can be seen that the application of authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadith MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto not run as expected so that efforts should be made to apply authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadith. So, from the various problems that the author intends to conduct research with the title "Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits In MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto".
B. Focus of Study
Based on the background of the above problems, the researchers formulate the focus of the study as follows1.    How is the implementation of the implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto?
2.    How Efforts made by Teachers in applying authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto?
3.    What are the factors that support and obstruct efforts to improve the application of authentic assessment in the study of Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto?
C. Purpose of the Study
Based on the focus of the study, this study aims to describe:1.    Describe the implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto.
2.    Describe the implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto.
3.    Describe the supporting factors and inhibiting the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto.
D.    Benefit of the Study
The results of this study are expected to have benefits include:1.  Theoretically, this research will contribute new thinking about the development of Islamic education in madrasah.
2.  Practically, this research is expected to contribute to certain parties, namely teachers, principals of Madrasah and similar researchers.
E. Research Methods
This research is field research in the form of descriptive qualitative research. So this research procedure, will produce descriptive data, in the form of written or oral words of the people and behavior that can be observed. This descriptive qualitative research aims to describe a state or phenomena as it is.[7]In this study, researchers act as data collectors and as active instruments in an effort to collect data in the field. To obtain data related to the theme of research, used some data collection techniques as follows: observation[8] [9], Interview [10] and Documentation. [11] 
Data analysis of the results of this study, conducted based on descriptive analysis, as developed by Mile and Huberman. The analysis consists of three interaction analysis paths that are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.[12].
F.  Discussion
1.   Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto.
Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation have highly related relationships. Classroom assessment is a process that is carried out through planning steps, the preparation of assessment tools, and the collection of information through a number of evidences that demonstrate the achievement of learners' learning outcomes, the processing, and the use of information.  Before the measurement is done the assessment because the measurement is giving a number that gives a quantitative meaning only. An assessment of both process and outcome assessment is necessary in evaluating, as it relates to the need to make decisions.  Implementation of this authentic assessment can use various types and variants of assessment are: 1) standardized tests, 2) artificial tests, 3) anecdotal record, 4) activity report, 5) attitude scale, 6) action notes, 7) concept and design employment, 8) individual assignments, 9) group assignments, 10) discussions, 11) interviews, 12) observation notes, 13) behavioral maps, 14) portfolios, 15) questionnaires, and 16) sociometric measurements (Santoso, 2004).2.   Teacher Efforts in applying authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto.Authentic assessment results can be used as materials to improve the learning process in accordance with educational assessment standards. Further said by some informants, namely:When following the Qur'an study of Hadith, which is done by the teacher is before delivering new learning materials, he must ask us with some questions, then after that done, then deliver the learning materials to us. In the delivery of learning materials, he always takes care of all our activities in learning carefully. And before the end of the learning hours he would ask us more questions and do not forget to always accompany by giving the task to be done at home.The application of authentic assessment carried out by the subject teacher at MTs Al Qur'an Hadith Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is assessing input at the start of the process of learning the Qur'an Hadeeth, the teacher conducting the pretest, then after a pretest was conducted, teachers delivering learning materials with a variety of learning methods used, as well as carefully observe the activities shown by each learner through the accuracy of observations made by the teacher. This activity is done by the teacher of Al Qur'an Hadith subjects, including on process assessment. And before the expiry of instructional hours, surely teacher of the Qur'an Hadith do postes with a few questions and then in the framework of strengthening and development of learning materials as well as to determine the level of achievement of psychomotor competency, the teacher gives a task to be done at home, and the results are collected on upcoming meeting. This assessment activity includes an assessment of output.Penailaian input is performed by the subject teacher at MTs Al Qur'an Hadith Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is to provide some questions verbally to students before starting deliver learning materials to be delivered on that day. Oral test test is a test used by the teacher of Al Qur'an Hadith subjects to measure the level of learners' knowledge of the learning materials to be delivered.
Assessment of the process undertaken by the teacher of Al Qur'an subjects Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is mainly related to the attitude of learners. Assessment of this attitude competence is an assessment conducted by teachers of Al Qur'an Hadith subjects to measure the level of attainment attitudes attainment of learners. In the context of the 2013 curriculum, the intended attitude is the spiritual attitudes and social attitudes of learners. Competence of entry attitude becomes core competency, that is core competency 1 (KI 1) for spiritual attitude and core competency 2 (KI 2) for social attitude. Assessment of attitudes conducted by teachers of the Qur'an Hadith subjects in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto through continuous observations for example; discipline to follow the rules, discipline and attention in following the learning, discipline and honesty of doing the task, the responsibility in doing the task, apologizing for a mistake, showing empathy, responding to differences of opinion, crafting, independence, objectivity in seeing and solve problems, ethics interact with teachers or among learners, cooperation in doing group work, and so forth.3.   Factors supporting and inhibiting the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokertoa.   Supporting factorsIn the application of authentic assessment there are several supporting factors that reinforce for how the assessment activities can run with the best. As some informants pointed out: When the application of authentic judgment on the subject of the Qur'an hadith is done, there are several factors that support the assessment activity, so that it can be done with the best, that is; (1) the competence of the teacher, (2) the readiness of the learners, (3) the leadership pattern of the principal, (4) the establishment of a conducive learning environment, (5) the laboratory of worship, and (6) the extra curricular activities. These factors that support the implementation of authentic assessment activities on the subjects of Al Qur'an Hadits, will certainly determine the success of achieving the level of competence possessed learners both in the realm of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
It can be asserted that the supporting factors of applying authentic assessment on the subjects of Al Qur'an Hadits in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto are (1) teacher professionalism, (2) readiness of learners, (3) leadership pattern of headmaster, (4) creation conducive learning environment, (5) worship laboratory, and (6) extra curricular activities.The readiness of learners in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is quite high, because indeed they have good average ability. MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is considered by most people, especially in Pamekasan Regency is a unit of quality education, favorite, and the oldest for junior secondary education unit. Many academic and non academic achievements are achieved by the students both regional, national, and international levels. In addition, MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is an ex RSBI. Of course, such real conditions have an effect on the interest and willingness of the community to send their children to MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. So the competition to follow the selection of new students acceptance is very tight and competitive. Raw input in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto quite good, this will have an effect on the readiness of high learning from students in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto.The leadership pattern developed by the head of MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto is quite conducive for teachers to develop innovation and creativity in learning activities. The teachers are given flexibility as big as possible to develop innovation and creativity, so that among teachers compete to always improve the quality of learning. Principals provide full support including the provision of budgets according to the school's ability for teachers to develop and improve the quality of learning. Principal view, when the quality of learning done by teachers is high enough, it will affect the quality of education in schools, especially on the achievement of school vision and mission.Creation of a conducive learning environment in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto quite visible. It is apparent that the learning activities undertaken by teachers are far from noise, so the atmosphere of classroom management conducted by teachers is quite conducive, the atmosphere of learning is quite dynamic, the interactive communication between teachers with learners, the existence of adequate learning media, and the arrangement of the surrounding environment quite beautiful.The existence of adequate educational facilities and infrastructure is a demand for all units of education. In MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto facilities and existing educational infrastructure is quite adequate, including the existence of a laboratory of worship in the form of a mosque building in the school. This is quite important and meaningful especially for teachers of the Qur'an Hadith. When wanting to familiarize the social and spiritual attitudes of learners this means, for example; in familiarizing the congregational prayer to be a daily habit of learners, it is necessary to be created and familiarized prayer congregation together at dhuhur prayer in school.Teachers of Al Qur'an subjects that exist in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto develop and mengayakan learning materials Al Qur'an Hadits with extracurricular activities. The developed extracurricular activities are routine recitation of each class every week in turn at home. This activity enriches and develops the spiritual and social attitudes of learners who need to be familiarized by reading and translating several verses of the Qur'an in turn, guiding events alternately, familiarizing the attitude of solidarity and silaturrahmi, fostering the spirit of practicing spiritual and social behavior in daily life. day, and receive additional insight and knowledge of Islamic material given by lecturers both lecturers played by teachers of Qur'an Hadith subjects or inviting other people / lecturers from outside the school.Teacher professionalism is one of the factors supporting the application of authentic assessment, because it is a professional teacher is a teacher who should have the ability to design and implement various learning strategies that are considered to match the interests and talents as well as in accordance with the level of development of learners including utilizing various sources and learning media to ensure the effectiveness of learning and also have the ability and skills in conducting assessment activities in the learning as well as possible.b. Obstacle factorFactors inhibiting the application of authentic assessment on the subjects of Al Qur'an Hadith in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto are (1) lack of socialization of curriculum 2013, especially among teachers, given the insufficient timeframe, impressed rush about national policy about the curriculum change from KTSP to the curriculum of 2013, (2) the time allocation of Al Qur'an Hadith learning is only 3 hours during the week, especially for measuring the competence of learners competence in the affective domain, (3) the number of students in one class is big enough between 30 -35 people, especially when making careful and personal observations have difficulty with large numbers of learners, and (4) less optimal participation of parents of learners, especially related to the laughing and habituation of spiritual and social attitudes that have been done in schools yet optimally synergize when learners are in the neighborhood family and society.Curriculum changes as an effort to improve and improve the quality of education should be viewed with a positive attitude. Curriculum changes should be viewed as an evaluation and perfecting activity against the curriculum that has not yet been able to achieve the educational objectives as a shared aspiration and desire of all parties. Obviously ketila curriculum changes, necessary and have significance to be socialized sufficiently and thoroughly to all teachers. Teachers as the spearhead of education, need to have a full understanding of both the philosophical and operational orientations of the curriculum. Because the curriculum has a central and important position in the whole process of education. The curriculum directs all forms of educational activity for the achievement of educational goals. The curriculum is also an educational plan, providing guidance and guidance on the type, scope, content sequence, and educational process. The curriculum becomes a barometer for the meaningfulness of education. Education will be meaningful, if the curriculum used is relevant (related) to the needs and demands of society.One of the responsibilities of the curriculum is to transmit and interpret sociocultural heritage to learners as the next generation. Schools not only inherit the existing culture, but also assess and select the various elements of culture that will be inherited. In this case, the curriculum actively participates in social control and places emphasis on critical thinking.
G. Conclution
From the results of the discussion can be summarized as follows:1. Implementation of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith in MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto refers to the assessment of attitude competence through observation, self assessment, peer evaluation by learners and journals, knowledge through written test, test , oral and assignments, skills through performance appraisal, ie assessments that require learners to demonstrate a particular competence using practice tests, projects, and portfolio assessments.2. Teacher Efforts in applying authentic judgment in learning Al Qur'an Hadith MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto based on field observations showed that the assessment system used by teachers generally still use paper and pencil test a little percentage of authentic assessment done by the teacher in the form classroom assessment through performance appraisals, portfolios, products, projects, written, and self-assessment.3. Factors that support and inhibit efforts to improve the application of authentic assessment in learning Al Qur'an Hadits MTs Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. a. Supporting factors: (1) teacher's competence, (2) readiness of learners, (3) leadership pattern of headmaster, (4) realization of conducive learning environment, (5) worship laboratory, and (6) curricular. b. Inhibiting factors: (1) lack of socialization of the curriculum 2013, especially among teachers, given insufficient timeframe, hastened impression of national policy on curriculum change from SBC into curriculum 2013, (2) time allocation of learning of Qur'an The hadith is only 3 hours during the week, mainly to measure students' competence achievement in the affective domain, (3) the number of learners in a single class is quite large between 30-35 people, especially when observing carefully and personal difficulties with the number of learners (4) lack of optimal participation of parents of learners, especially related to ketauladanan and habituation of spiritual and social attitudes that have been done in school has not optimally synergized when the students are in the family and community.

H.    Daftar Pustaka

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Sihombing & Indardjo, Pembiayaan Pendidikan (Jakarta: Balitbang, 2003)
Hamalik, O. Dasar-dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007)
Sekretariat Negara RI, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan (Jakarta, www.indonesia.go,id, 2006)
Santyasa, I W. "Pembelajaran Inovatif: Model Kolaboratif, Basis Proyek, dan Orientasi Nature of Science", Makalah disajikan pada seminar SMAN 2 Semapura Tanggal 27 Desember 2006
Sukmadinata, N. S. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya, 2007)
Margono, S. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2004)
Bungin, B. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Aktualisasi Metodologis Ke Arah Ragam Varian Kontemporer), (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003)
Mattew B. Meles, dkk., Analisa Data Kualitatif, (Jakarta: UI-Press, 1993)

[1] Abdul Rachman Shaleh, Madrasah dan Pendidikan Anak Bangsa (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2004), 286.
[2] Sihombing dan Indardjo, Pembiayaan Pendidikan (Jakarta: Balitbang, 2003), 7.
[3]Oemar Hamalik, Dasar-dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007), 179 – 198.
[4] Sekretariat Negara RI, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan (Jakarta, www.indonesia.go,id, 2006), 5.
[5]I Wayan Santyasa, "Pembelajaran Inovatif: Model Kolaboratif, Basis Proyek, dan Orientasi Nature of Science", Makalah disajikan pada seminar SMAN 2 Semapura Tanggal 27 Desember 2006, 4.
[6] Ibid., 5.
[7] Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya, 2007), hal. 18.
[8] Ibid, hal. 220
[9] S. Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2004), hal..
[10] Burhan Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Aktualisasi Metodologis Ke Arah Ragam Varian Kontemporer), (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003), hal. 108.
[11] Suharsimi Arikunto, op cit, hal 236
[12] Mattew B. Meles, dkk., Analisa Data Kualitatif, (Jakarta: UI-Press, 1993), hal. 16. 

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