Differences and Interactions of language learning with Discourse Competence on students' motivation and achievement in Islamic Junior High School in Brawijaya City Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency.
Muthoharun Afif
a Islamic Education Program Tarbiyah college of Raden Wijaya Mojokerto
* The authors' correspondent: muthoharun_02@jurnal.stitradenwijaya.ac.id
Language is expected to help students recognize themselves, their culture and other cultures, express ideas and feelings, participate in societies that use the language, make responsible decisions on a personal and social level, discover and use the analytical and imaginative abilities present in him. The purpose of this research are: 1) To know the difference of students' learning motivation of Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko, Mojokerto Regency uses language learning with Discourse Competence. 2) To know the difference of learning achievement of students of Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya City of Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko of Mojokerto Regency use language learning with Discourse Competence. 3) To know the interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence on student learning motivation and achievement in Islamic Junior High School of Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko, Mojokerto Regency. In this research object is students of Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya City of Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency Class VII of 150 students and 151 students. of the population members taken as samples were 93 respondents. From the results of the analysis, it is known that: 1) language learning with Discourse Competence has an effect on students' learning motivation in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto lower than in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency. 2) language learning with Discourse Competence has an effect on learning achievement in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto lower than in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency. 3). There is interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence to student's motivation and achievement in Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency
Keywords: Discourse Competence, motivation, achievement A. Background
Language especially Arabic language, has a central role in the intellectual, social, and emotional development of students, especially in understanding the science of Islam and is the key to success in studying all areas of study, especially those using references from the Qur'an and Sunnah. The function of language is not merely as a field of study, curriculum language and curriculum language for high school ideally prepares students in order to achieve their competence in learning in order to be able to reflect on their experiences, express ideas and feelings, and understand various nuances of meaning. Language is expected to help students recognize themselves, their culture and other cultures, express ideas and feelings, participate in societies that use the language, make responsible decisions on a personal and social level, discover and use the analytical and imaginative abilities present in him.
Every individual, especially in the context of students should be trained to think critically to stimulate thinking power so that dapa think in a minimum. Critical thinking is part of a convergent complex / high-level thinking pattern. Critical thinking uses the basic thinking process to analyze arguments and generate ideas for each meaning and interpretation, to develop cohesive and logical reasoning patterns, to understand the assumptions and can underlie each position, and to provide a credible, concise presentation model convincing. Expected by the habit of critical thinking is able to motivate students to excel in school.
Among the theoretically compatible language linguistic literature models in language are communication, (Murcia, Dornyei & Thurrell (1995), Ministry of National Education, (2003) language is not just a language rule but more importantly is the implication of language leads students into language competence so that students are able to communicate with the language in order to participate in a society that automatically is a language user.
The language competence model is directed to the formulation of Communicative Competence as Murcia et al. (1995: 10) formulates as follows:
Figure 1: Communicative Competence Model (from Celce-Murcia et al.)
The scheme or formula Murcia et al. (1995: 10) as Figure 1 states that the main target of language competence is Discourse Competence, it can be explained that means, if communication can be done by students both orally and in writing, then students can be said to be involved in a discourse and system discourse and discourse, because with the discourse of the topic or a problem can be communicated, and the communication is influenced by the topic being discourse, this is where there is interpersonal relationships between parties who are reciprocally involved in engaging in a communication in a cultural context. Any meaning that can be derived from the communication has entered the realm and cultural context and the situation that became the discourse.
Discourse competence can be achieved due to participation in a conversation, reading and writing which in this case requires a set of strategies, procedures and even methodologies so that the values contained in the linguistic, grammatical elements, pragmatic cues in interpreting and expressing meaning can be realized McCarthy and Carter 2001: 88), National Education, (2003)
In order for students to master a linguistic competence called a discourse, then the students need motivation in this discussion is the motivation to learn, Definition of motivation is still often debated. Among them reads: "Motivation of the motive word (Uno, 2009) is encouraging (Elliott et al. (2000), Nursalam & Efendi (2008) mobilizes or encourages a person or group of people, to do or not to do something." an element of motivation in motive (= mo-tive, reason, or something that motivates) (Irianto, 2006: 53)
Sagala (2010) argues that motivation can be understood as an auxiliary variable or has been worked out, created, that is pleasing, earned by the way of work perseverance, elfatru (2010) used to cause certain factors within the organism, which arose, manage, maintain, and channel behavior toward a goal.
While learning achievement is a behavioral change (Supriyadi, Akbar, tt, or peak of learning result that can reflect the result of student's learning achievement (Olivia, 2013), the results have been obtained from Poerwadarminto (2001) guidance for students about their ability in mastering learning materials which has been achieved in the form of learning results Nastion (1995).
Based on this background, the authors conducted a study with the title: Differences and Interactions of language learning with Discourse Competence on student learning motivation and achievement in Islamic Junior High School in Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency.
B. Problem Formulation
From the above background, the problem formulation is put forward as follows:
1. Is there a difference in the motivation of learning students of Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency using language learning with Discourse Competence?
2. Is there a difference in student achievement of students of Islamic Junior High School in Brawijaya City of Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency using language learning with Discourse Competence?
3. Is there any interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence to student's learning motivation and achievement in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency?
C. Hypothesis
Based on the concept, the hypothesis in this study are:
1. There are differences in motivation of students learning in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency using language learning with Discourse Competence
2. There are differences in student achievement of students of SMP Islam Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency using language learning with Discourse Competence
3. There is interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence on student's motivation and achievement in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency
D. Research Design
The study presents a method or a method in this study, in order to obtain reliable data. This means that if a researcher will conduct a scientific research using methods that are in accordance with what is studied. (Arifin, 2010)
Research is to observe an object to be examined, then from the results of the study conclusions drawn. In the study itself there are two things that need to be understood, namely methods and research. (Tuckman, 1978)
The research method is an understanding of the various methods (Kadji, 2016), discusses how sequentially a study is conducted (hamdi & Bahruddin, 2015) a way to achieve a goal in the study. (Maksum, 2009).
E. Population and Sample
In this study the object is students of Islamic Junior High School in Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency Class VII of 150 students and 151 students. of the population members taken as a sample were as many as 93 respondents.
F. Data Analysis Results
From the results of the analysis is known that language learning with Discourse Competence affect the motivation in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto City obtained Fth value of 616.286 (significance F = 0,000). And in MTs Al Amin Sooko, Mojokerto regency obtained Fcount value of 655,544 (significance F = 0,000), then Hypothesis Zero (H0) is rejected and Hypothesis Work (H1) accepted, So There is difference of motivation study student of SMP Islam Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency uses language learning with Discourse Competence (language learning with Discourse Competence influences on student learning motivation in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto lower than in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency)
From the results of analysis it is known that language learning with Discourse Competence influence on learning achievement in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto City obtained Fcount value of 6.398 (significance F = 0.013). And in MTs Al Amin Sooko, Mojokerto regency obtained Fcount value of 8.041 (significance F = 0,007), Hypothesis Zero (H0) is rejected and Hypothesis Work (H1) accepted, So There is difference of motivation study student of Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya City of Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency uses language learning with Discourse Competence (language learning with Discourse Competence influences on learning achievement in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto lower than in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto regency).
There is interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence to student's motivation and achievement in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency Interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence to motivation at Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto at 0,593 (59,3%), at MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency amounted to 0.217 (21.7%). While the achievement of learning in Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya City Mojokerto equal to 0,869 (86,9%), in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency equal to 0,334 (33,4%).
G. Conclusions
The completion of thesis discussion entitled Differences and Interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence on student's motivation and achievement in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency, the writer can conclude as follows:
1. From the results of the analysis is known that language learning with Discourse Competence affect the motivation in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto with Fth value of 616.286 (significance F = 0,000). And in MTs Al Amin Sooko, Mojokerto regency obtained Fcount value of 655,544 (significance F = 0,000), then Hypothesis Zero (H0) is rejected and Hypothesis Work (H1) accepted, So There is difference of motivation study student of SMP Islam Brawijaya Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency uses language learning with Discourse Competence (language learning with Discourse Competence influences on student learning motivation in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto lower than in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency)
2. From the results of the analysis is known that language learning with Discourse Competence influence on learning achievement in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto City obtained Fcount value of 6.398 (significance F = 0.013). And in MTs Al Amin Sooko, Mojokerto regency obtained Fcount value of 8.041 (significance F = 0,007), Hypothesis Zero (H0) is rejected and Hypothesis Work (H1) accepted, So There is difference of motivation study student of Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya City of Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency uses language learning with Discourse Competence (language learning with Discourse Competence influences on learning achievement in Islamic Junior High School Brawijaya Mojokerto lower than in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto regency).
3. There is interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence to student's learning motivation and achievement in Brawijaya Islamic Junior High School Mojokerto and MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency. The interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence toward motivation in Islamic Junior High School (SMP Islam Brawijaya Kota Mojokerto) was 0,593 (59,3%), in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency equal to 0,217 (21,7%). While the achievement of learning in Islamic Junior High School of Brawijaya City Mojokerto equal to 0,869 (86,9%), in MTs Al Amin Sooko Mojokerto Regency equal to 0,334 (33,4%).
H. Suggestions
After the author completes the research and concludes with the conclusion, the authors need to provide suggestions as follows:
1. For the organizers of the institute the results of this study should be used as material information and input so that agencies can develop strategic steps in improving and optimizing existing resources by creating an environment that supports language learning with Discourse Competence.
2. For colleges, the results of this study should be used as a comparison and reference material for further research.
3. For further researchers, to develop the normative repertoire Difference and Interaction of language learning with Discourse Competence on student's motivation and achievement can use the reference of this work.
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