Sunday, 25 March 2018

Peran pembelajaran Pancasila di LPTK untuk meningkatkan konsep diri akademik dalam mengantisipasi dehumanisasi pendidikan

Peran pembelajaran Pancasila di LPTK untuk meningkatkan konsep diri akademik dalam mengantisipasi dehumanisasi pendidikan pada semester II Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

Aan Eko Khusni Ubaidillah a* 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


This study aims to find out how the role of learning Pancasila in LPTK to improve academic self-concept in anticipating the dehumanization of education in the second semester of Islamic Higher Education Studies Program Tarbiyah High School Raden Wijaya Mojokerto. This research includes field research, qualitative models, case studies. Determination of purposive sample with snow balling characteristics to obtain variation and extend information so that it can be contrasted with other information. Observation Data Collection Methods, Interviews and Documentation. Data Analysis uses analytical descriptive by doing Triangulation checking the validity of other source data outside the existing data as a comparison to obtain data unity. The result of the research shows: 1) the implementation of Pancasila Learning besides emphasizing the cognitive aspect has also emphasized the affective and psychomotor aspect, it is realized in one of the learning method using problem solving method, beside that the Institution also support with national and religious activities. 2) The role of learning Pancasila directly is still less realized in the real level in the field, but at least the initial capital to be able to have good behavior, of course the next expectation is the existence of good behavior then dehumanisasi education on students can be suppressed, to further maximize the results Learning required student awareness, cooperation between lecturers, lecturers and stakeholders. 3) There are several inhibiting factors, namely institutional policy factors, family factors, student behavior starting at home, other factors are the student's own personal which is difficult to change and improve through formal education media. Factor of learning and education second after parent. And the last factor is the environment, it refers to the role of society.

Keywords: learning, pancasila, de humanization of education

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan pada KTH Padusan Desa Padusan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto 

Eny Nuraeni a* 

aProgram Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono 

*Koresponden penulis: 


The term "community forest" is a talun / yard field that has grown since the early 20th century and the last developed cultivated land, when people plant their land with a combination of intercropping (food and forest) or agroforestry, initially using wood for fuelwood consumption and carpentry, but later developed into an alternative wood supply for the industry. Forest exploitation is to obtain the economic benefits from the timber. The purpose of this research are: 1) Describe the effect of economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. 2) Explain the effect of the economic benefit of clearing forest land for protection of environmental protection in Paddy Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. From the analysis result can be summarized as follows: 1) From the analysis result, it is known that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farming has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Pacet Mojokerto obtained Fcount 15 641 (significance F = 0,000). So Ft> Ftable (15 641> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.000 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farms has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. then the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Work Hypothesis (H1) is accepted. 2) From the results of the analysis shows that the scientific approach to learning affecting the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village District Pacet Mojokerto regency obtained value Fhitung 2.924 (significance F = 0.009). So F arithmetic> F table (2,924> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.009 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to influence the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency.

Keywords: Economic benefit, Environtmental cost, Environmental protection

Monday, 5 March 2018

Implementasi Inovasi Pendidikan Akhlak Pendekatan Saintifik Berbasis Manajemen Qolbu

Implementasi Inovasi Pendidikan Akhlak Pendekatan Saintifik Berbasis Manajemen Qolbu 

Anas Amin Alamsyah 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


The impact of evil is felt in almost every aspect of community life. This happens because the spectrum of evil is so widened that it encompasses various aspects of social life. That is one of the phenomenon of moral crisis that is now befall our nation. In addition, there are still many other moral matters, such as drunkenness, drug abuse, bribery and so forth. Based on the background of the problem and the formulation of the above problems, the author hopes that this paper can be a contribution of thought for education to achieve a better change The purpose of this paper is: To examine how to implement the Innovation of Education Innovation Akhlak Scientific Approach-Based Qolbu Management. The type of research in this research is qualitative that is focusing on library research (library research), where the author uses descriptive research method with more emphasis on the power of data analysis on the sources in the can from books and other scientific papers by relying theories that exist to be interpreted widely and deeply. The results of this study can be mentioned that the way of implementing the Innovation of Educational Innovation Scientific Approach Based on Qolbu Management is: 1) Tazkiyah an Nafs (purification of the soul), 2) Tasyfiyah al Qolb (cleansing of the heart), 3) Tajalliyah ar ruh (enlightenment spirit). Furthermore, in the opinion of Aa Gym which is also similar to Ibn Miskawayih's opinion that there are several steps that must be taken to cleanse the heart, among others: 1) The existence of strong adherence, 2) Have knowledge about understanding or self-knowledge, 3) Evaluate yourself , 4) Learning from others. The conclusion that got is that Implementation of Innovation of Education Akhlak Scientific Approach-Based Management Qolbu is a new idea or method offered by the author for use in implementing moral education. It is expected that this new idea or method, will be able to improve the quality of moral education that is felt increasingly declining today.

Keywords: Innovation, Morals Education, Scientific Approach, Qolbu Management

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Implementasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual berpendekatan Learning Community

Implementasi Pembelajaran Kontekstual berpendekatan Learning Community pada Bidang Studi Fiqh dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa MI Mambaul Hidayah Mengelo Sooko Mojokerto 


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


Education is a conscious and systematic effort not only to humanize human beings but also for human beings to realize their position as khalifatullah fil ardhi, which in turn will increasingly increase itself to be a pious, faithful, knowledgeable and virtuous man. In general the problems formulated in this research is whether Implementation of Contextual Learning with Learning Community approach can improve student's motivation and achievement in FIQH study field? How Implementation of Contextual Learning has a Learning Community approach that can improve students' motivation and achievement in FIQH? Field. This research was conducted in Mojokerto Regency, precisely at MI Mambaul Hidayah Mengelo Sooko Mojokerto. This research is a classroom action research with collaborative type. This research phase follows a model developed by Kemmis and Taggart, which is a spiral cycle that includes planning activities, action execution, observation, and reflection. The data collection techniques used are: (1) observation; (2) measurement of learning result test; and (3) documentation. Data obtained from the action are then analyzed. Qualitative data consisting of observation and documentation are analyzed qualitatively, while data collected in the form of numbers or quantitative data, simply by using descriptive analysis and visual presentation. Based on the results of research that has been implemented can be concluded that the Implementation of Contextual Learning with Learning Community approach can improve student's motivation and achievement in the field of FIQH study. From the data in the field shows that there is an increase in student learning motivation that the initial average value of pre-test of 20 increased to 24 or about 20% in cycle I, in cycle II more increased to 31 or about 55%, and in cycle III the more increased to 45 or about 125%. Level of increase between cycle I with cycle II about 29%, between cycle II with cycle III about 45%, between cycle III with cycle I about 87%. With the increase of students' learning motivation, their learning achievement also increased, whereas the average value of pre test of 6.60 increased to 6.84 or about 4% in cycle I, in cycle II more increased again to 7.75 or about 17 %, and in cycle III it increases to 8.80 or about 35%. The level of improvement between cycle I with cycle II is about 13%, between cycle II with cycle III about 15%, between cycle III with cycle I about 30%.

Keywords: Contextual Learning, Learning Community, FIQH, Motivation, Achievement.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Life inspirations: How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow

Life inspirations: How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow: How To Make Your Own Miracle-Grow How To Make Your Own Miracle-Gro A Lot of people, myself included HATE to use commercial fertilizer on t...

Efektifitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab 0 (nol) sks dalam membentuk Bi’ah al-‘Arabiyah

Efektifitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab 0 (nol) sks dalam membentuk Bi’ah al-‘Arabiyah pada Prodi PAI STIT Raden Wijaya 


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


Arabic subjects are very important to develop the ability to communicate. By learning Arabic, students can understand the conversation and reading in Arabic well. Formal Arabic Studies in Madrasahs are the main means for students to master Arabic. This study aims to: 1) Know the efforts of STI Pati Raden Wijaya Prodi in shaping Arabic environment on Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya. 2) Knowing the supporting factors in shaping Arabic environment on PAI STIT Raden Wijaya Prodi. 3) Knowing the obstacles faced by Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya in shaping Arabic environment at Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya. This study uses oriented approach (paradigm) Descriptive-Qualitative, While the type of research is using case studies (Santoso, 2005). In this study the researchers themselves or with the help of others are the main data collectors. This research was conducted at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Kota Mojokerto, on Islamic Religious Education Study Program. In this study, the primary data obtained by researchers is: the results of interviews with the Chairman of the Study Program of Islamic Education and Students Semester I (One). In this study used in analyzing data that has been obtained is by descriptive (non statistical) descriptive that is explorative. The conclusions of this research are: 1) Effort-uaha done Prodi in making effective learning arab language in Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya are: a. He held yaum al-'araby twice a week on Friday. b. It was called shabah al-lughah a week twice before ta'lim afkar al-islamy began. c. The existence of study club on each mabna. 2) Factors that become supporters in forming bi'ah al-'arabiyah are: a. Attachment of mufradat in strategic places. b. Make plaques that are written / spoken in Arabic to make it easier to remember. c. Songs in foreign languages ​​(Arabic and English) to increase students' insight in developing the language. 3) The constraints faced in creating bi'ah al-'arabiyah namely: a. Ability and basic students are different. b. There is no class classification that suits the ability of each student. c. Lack of facilities / facilities and infrastructure. d. Competence musyrif / ah who are not all able to speak. e. The curriculum and materials that are presented have not been neatly arranged. f. The absence of a strict iqob for students who do not communicate arabic language everyday.

Keywords: Arabic Learning, Bi'ah al-'Arabiyah

Friday, 2 March 2018

Task Commitment Program Akselerasi Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA

Task Commitment Program Akselerasi Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto 

Achmad Pandu Setiawan 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


Gifted children have a unique personality. Generally they have a strong interest in the various fields of interest, are very interested in various moral and ethical issues, very autonomous in making decisions and determining actions. The purpose of this research are: a. To know Task Commitment Acceleration Program (Acceleration) in Learning Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto. b. To know the supporting and inhibiting factors of Task Commitment Acceleration Program (Acceleration) in Learning Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto. This study uses oriented approach (paradigm) Descriptive-Qualitative, While the type of research is a case study. In this study the researchers themselves are the main data collectors. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto Jl. Ijen No.9, Wates, Magersari, Mojokerto City, East Java 61317 Telephone: (0321) 321505. In this study, the primary data obtained by the researcher is: the results of interviews with the Head of Acceleration Program, teachers of Islamic Education in acceleration classes SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded as follows: 1) the teaching and learning activities acceleration program in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto can not be separated from around: (a) curriculum, acceleration program for curriculum used in such a way (in differentiation), to be completed within 2 years for high school level. As specified in the academic calendar in particular; (b) Learning methods, methods used in learning Islamic Religious Education in acceleration classes include: Classical Methods, Discussion Methods, Sociodrama Methods, Exemplary Methods, Project Methods, and Field Practice Methods; and (c) evaluation system, evaluation in acceleration program is done continuously and continuously to get information about progress and success of student learning. That is the assessment of the results of daily test (sumatif), assessment of the results of general (formative), and National Final Examination (UAN). Especially for the subject of Islamic Religious Education is not included in the Final Examination National. 2) In general, some supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning in acceleration class of SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto is not much different from the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning in regular class.

Keywords: Task Commitment, Acceleration, Learning, Islamic Religious Education

Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Digital Pondok Pesantren

Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Digital Pondok Pesantren (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto) 


aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis: 


Human resources have a central position in realizing development performance. "The era of globalization today and in the future coupled with information technology has influenced the socio-cultural development of Indonesian Muslim society generally, or Islamic education, including pesantren in particular". That the Muslim community can not escape from the process of globalization, especially if you want to survive and triumph in the midst of an increasingly competitive world in the present and future. Based on the background, this study aims to examine the Improvement of the Quality of Digital Human Resources in Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The researcher acts as a data collector and as an active instrument in the effort to collect data in the field. To obtain data related to the theme of research, used some data collection techniques as follows: Observation or observation Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis of the results of this study, conducted based on descriptive analysis, as developed by Mile and Huberman. The analysis consists of three interaction analysis paths that are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the discussion can be concluded that Pondok Pesantren Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto in order to Improve the Quality of Digital Human Resources do things as follows: 1) Development and Mastery Book Yellow / Salaf. 2) Program of development of basic sciences. Many benefits are felt with this program, including: a. The level of readiness of students to receive lessons is better. b. Ability of students to absorb material faster. c. Student creativity and motivation increase. 3) Development of Foreign Language Ability. 4) Development of Pesantren Through the Utilization of Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT). 5) Improvement of the role of Organization of Santri / Santriwati. 6) Increasing Pesantren's Contribution to Community Development

Keywords: Human Resources, Digital, Pondok Pesantren

Pembelajaran Literasi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al Qur’an Hadits

Pembelajaran Literasi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al Qur’an Hadits Siswa di MA Nurul Qur’an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang

Muhammad Budi Arif

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 
*Koresponden penulis:


Education is tailored to the real needs that learners want, the potential and culture of the community. Various educational problems that exist in Indonesia require the efforts of the steps of consistent basic refinement and systematic paradigm of education. This enhancement is an education that can develop the potential of students to be brave to face the challenges of life as well as global challenges, without any sense of distress, our education should be able to encourage students to have knowledge, skills, have high confidence that can quickly adapt to the environment. The purpose of this study are: 1) To know the literacy learning in MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang. 2) 2. To Know the ability to read Al Qur'an Hadith students in MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang. 3) 3. To know the implementation of Literacy Learning to Increase the Ability of Reading Al Qur'an Hadits Students in Ma Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang. Population taken is the students MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang Lesson 2016/2017 Year which amounted to 112 people. In this study the authors use Probability Sampling technique. taken as sample is as much as 88 respondents. Hypothesis test A simple linear regression analysis consists of one independent variable (predictor) and one dependent variable (response), with the equation: Y = a + bX. From the results of research that the authors do in the field can the authors conclude as follows: 1) Learning literacy in MA Nurul Qur'an Jogoroto Bend Jombang pretty good. 2) Improved ability to read Al Qur'an Hadith students in MA Nurul Qur'an Jogoroto Bend Jombang pretty good. 3) There is a significant positive effect of learning literacy on improving the ability of reading Al Qur'an Hadith students on MA Nurul Qur'an Bendung Jogoroto Jombang.

Keywords: Literasi, Al Qur’an Hadits 

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar melalui fungsi pengawasan dalam manajemen mutu terpadu

Meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar melalui fungsi pengawasan dalam manajemen mutu terpadu di Wilayah Kepengawasan Gugus Sekolah 05 Kecamatan Magersari Kota Mojokerto

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis:

Building the quality of education continues to be done, both by the government and the school as education providers. In an effort to meet the needs and demands of society on the quality of education and simultaneously as a response to the changes of life very quickly in the era of globalization. For that reason researchers need research on improving the quality of teaching and learning process through supervisory function in the integrated quality management in the District Kepengawasan Cluster 05 District Magersari Mojokerto City.
This research uses action research for three cycles. Each cycle consists of one meeting each of which consists of four stages: design, activity and observation of reflection and revision. The target of this research is Master of Kepengawasan District School Cluster 05 Magersari Subdistrict Mojokerto City 15 people. The data obtained in the form of the results of supervision assessment of teaching and learning process.
The success of the learning process in cycle III shows that the cycle can be stopped because it has met the target of> 70%. This is evident from the average increase in teacher performance per cycle.
The conclusions of this research are: The quality of teaching and learning process through supervisory function in integrated quality management in Kepengawasan Area School Cluster 05 Magersari Sub-district Mojokerto City has increased, it can be seen from the average of teacher performance improvement from 65,87 percent in cycle I, to 76.67 in Cycle II and increased to 82.86 percent in Cycle III.
Keywords: quality of PBM, supervision, and integrated quality management