Friday, 27 April 2018

Pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Time Token Arends dan CTL serta motivasi terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam

Pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Time Token Arends dan CTL serta motivasi terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam siswa kelas X SMK Negeri Dlanggu, Kecamatan Dlanggu Kabupaten Mojokerto 

Achmad Pandu Setiawan a* 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


One-way learning makes students more passive so students tend to sit sweetly awaiting teacher commands. This condition allows students' ability not to develop optimally. While the learning of many directions with the proportion of teacher activity proportional to the students, teachers tend to direct and demand students to be creative so that students' ability will develop optimally. In this type of learning model, students will feel ashamed if they do not express their ideas. Therefore, they are challenged to prepare themselves by learning more optimally. The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing differences in student learning outcomes taught by democratic learning model Time Token Arends with CTL learning model. 2) Describe the difference in learning outcomes with high motivation and low motivation students. 3) Describe the interaction between the Time Token Arends and CTL democratic learning model and achievement motivation on the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education. This research is a type of experimental research with quantitative approach. The population of students of class X SMK Negeri Dlanggu, District Dlanggu Mojokerto regency, with simple random sampling system. Data collection techniques using mungunakan questionnaire (questionnaire), while the technique of data analysis using validity test, reliability test, and hypothesis test using t test and F test. From the analysis can be concluded as follows: 1) There are differences in student learning outcomes are taught Time Token Arends democratic learning model with CTL learning model 2) There are differences in learning outcomes with high motivation and low motivation students. 3) There is an interaction between the Time Token Arends and CTL democratic learning model and achievement motivation on the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education. From the results of the research as a whole can the authors provide suggestions: 1) For the ranks of organizers of the results of this research should be used as material information and input so that agencies can develop strategic steps in improving and optimizing existing resources by creating an environment that supports quiet learning activities , Comfortable and fun. 2) For universities, the results of this study should be used as a comparison and reference material for further research. 3) For further researchers, to develop similar research may use the reference of this work.

Keywords: Time Token Arends, CTL, Achievement motivation, learning result of Islamic Religious Education

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Pengembangan pembelajaran Problem based instruction materi melafalkan surah Al Kausar dan makhraj yang benar

Pengembangan pembelajaran Problem based instruction materi melafalkan surah Al Kausar dan makhraj yang benar mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SDN Jombatan I Kecamatan Jombang Kabupaten Jombang
Muhammad Andi Isya' a*
aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto
*Koresponden penulis:
Problem based instruction centered on students. Problem based instruction is one of the various learning models that teachers can use in enabling students to learn. The purpose of this research development is: 1) Produce learning products Problem-based instruction material recite surah Al Kausar and makhraj correct subjects Islamic Religious Education at SDN Jombatan I Jombang District Jombang District. Selection and use of learning Problem-based instruction appropriately can streamline and streamline the implementation of learning. For that purpose the learning of Problem based instruction is absolutely necessary. Learning products Islamic Education Learning This problem based instruction has been refined based on analysis of trial data. Based on the steps that have been implemented can be concluded as follows. 1). In general, expert test results are categorized with a qualification of 3.9 but based on the results of questionnaires distributed to students indicates that the author needs to change by increasing the attractiveness of the model. 2) Product development Learning problem is a cooperative learning product that emphasizes the special structure designed to influence the pattern of student interaction and has a goal to improve student academic mastery. 3) The weakness of this product opens opportunities for lazy learners to remain passive in their group and likely to influence their group, so that the group's efforts will fail.
Keywords: Learning of Islamic Education, Problem based instruction

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Perbedaan metode praktik, demontrasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mengenal sifat Allah SWT., yang terkandung dalam al-Asma’ al-Husnaa

Perbedaan metode praktik, demontrasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mengenal sifat Allah SWT., yang terkandung dalam al-Asma’ al-Husnaa mata pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak kelas IV MI Al Karimah Balongsari Kota Mojokerto 

Ahmad Mustofa Jalaluddin Al Mahalli a* 

aProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Raden Wijaya Mojokerto 

*Koresponden penulis: 


The success of learning objectives is determined by many factors such as teachers 'factors in implementing the learning process, because teachers can directly influence, foster and improve students' intelligence and skills. To overcome the above problems and to achieve the goal of education maximally, the role of teachers is very important and expected teachers have a way / model of teaching is good and able to choose the appropriate model of learning and in accordance with the concepts of subjects to be delivered. The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing differences in student learning outcomes taught by methods of practice and demonstration in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak. 2) Describe the low motivation difference with high motivation in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak. 3) Describe the interaction between methods of practice, demonstration and motivation of student learning outcomes in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak. This research is a survey type research with quantitative approach. The population as the object of research is the fourth grade students of MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto City, with simple random sampling system. Data collection technique using mungunakan questionnaire (questionnaire), while the technique of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, with hypothesis test using t test and F test. From the analysis results can be concluded that: 1) There are differences in student learning outcomes are taught by the method of practice and Demonstration in recognizing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak fourth grade MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto City. 2) There is no difference in low motivation with high motivation in knowing the nature of Allah SWT, contained in al-Asma 'al-Husnaa subjects Aqidah Akhlak grade IV MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto. 3) There is interaction between method of practice, demontration and motivation toward learning result of Aqidah Akhlak in fourth grade student at MI Al Karimah Balongsari Mojokerto City.

Keywords: Practice, Demonstration, Motivation

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan pada KTH Padusan Desa Padusan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto

Pengaruh Economic benefit pembukaan lahan pertanian hutan lindung terhadap Environtmental cost dan Environmental protection Wilayah kelompok tani hutan pada KTH Padusan Desa Padusan Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto 

Eny Nuraeni a* 

aProgram Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono 

*Koresponden penulis: 


The term "community forest" is a talun / yard field that has grown since the early 20th century and the last developed cultivated land, when people plant their land with a combination of intercropping (food and forest) or agroforestry, initially using wood for fuelwood consumption and carpentry, but later developed into an alternative wood supply for the industry. Forest exploitation is to obtain the economic benefits from the timber. The purpose of this research are: 1) Describe the effect of economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. 2) Explain the effect of the economic benefit of clearing forest land for protection of environmental protection in Paddy Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. From the analysis result can be summarized as follows: 1) From the analysis result, it is known that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farming has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Pacet Mojokerto obtained Fcount 15 641 (significance F = 0,000). So Ft> Ftable (15 641> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.000 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farms has an effect on the environtmental cost in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency. then the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Work Hypothesis (H1) is accepted. 2) From the results of the analysis shows that the scientific approach to learning affecting the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village District Pacet Mojokerto regency obtained value Fhitung 2.924 (significance F = 0.009). So F arithmetic> F table (2,924> 1.60) or Sig F <5% (0.009 <0.05). This means that the economic benefit of clearing of protected forest farmland to influence the environmental protection in KTH Padusan Padusan Village, Pacet Sub-district, Mojokerto Regency.

Keywords: Economic benefit, Environtmental cost, Environmental protection